Papers in international journals:

  1. D.M. Cardoso, I.S. Costa, R. Duarte, "Integer eigenvalues of the n-Queens graph." Discrete Mathematics 347 (2024): 114065. Full text free available here.
  2. D.M. Cardoso, I.S. Costa, R. Duarte, "Sharp bounds on the least eigenvalue of a graph determined from edge clique partitions." J. Algebr. Comb. 58 (2023): 263-277. Full text free available here.
  3. D.M. Cardoso, H. Gomes, Sofia J. Pinheiro, "The H-join of arbitrary families of graphs - the universal adjacency spectrum." Linear Algebra Appl. 648 (2022): 160-180. Full text free available here.
  4. D.M. Cardoso, P. Carvalho, R.C. Diaz, P. Rama, "On the Randic Energy of Caterpillar Graphs." MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 87 (2022): 729-744. Full text available here.
  5. M. Andelić, D.M. Cardoso, S.K. Simić, Z. Stanić, "The main vertices of a star set and related graph parameters."  Discrete Mathematics 344 (2021): 112593. Preprint available here.
  6. N. Abreu, D.M. Cardoso, F.A.M. França, C.T.M. Vinagre, "Some new aspects of main eigenvalues of graphs." Comp. Appl. Math. 39 (2020): 12, DOI:10.1007/s40314-019-0987-1.
  7. D.M. Cardoso, G. Pastén, O. Rojo, "Graphs with clusters perturbed by regular graphs - $A_{\alpha}$-spectrum and applications." Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory- special issue dedicated to Prof. Slobodan Simic, Vol. 40 (2020):451–466. doi:10.7151/dmgt.2284.
  8. D.M. Cardoso, "A survey on graphs with convex quadratic stability number." Optimization (2020) 69(1): 5-20. Share Link. DOI:10.1080/02331934.2018.1526282.
  9. D.M. Cardoso, J.O. Cerdeira, C. Dominique, J.P. Cruz, "Injective Edge Coloring of Graphs." FILOMAT Vol. 33(Nº19) (2019): 6411-6423.
  10. D.M. Cardoso, "An overview of (k,t)-regular sets and their applications." Discrete Applied Mathematics 269 (2019): 2-10, Share Link. Full text also available in arXiv:1812.11895.
  11. D.M. Cardoso, R. C. Diaz, O. Rojo, "Distance matrices on the H-join of graphs: a general result and applications." Linear Algebra Appl. 559 (2018): 34-53. Online version: Full text also available here.
  12. D.M. Cardoso, G. Pastén, O. Rojo, "On the multiplicity of $\alpha$ as eigenvalue of $A_{\alpha}(G)$ of graphs with pendant vertices." Linear Algebra Appl. 552 (2018): 52-70. Online version: Full text also available here.
  13. M. Andelić, D.M. Cardoso, A. Pereira, "A sharp lower bound on the signless Laplacian index of graphs with (k,t)-regular sets." Spec. Matrices. 6 (2018): 68-76. Full text available here.
  14. D.M. Cardoso, P. Carvalho, M.A.A. de Freitas, C.T.M. Vinagre "Spectra, signless Laplacian and Laplacian spectra of complementary prisms of graphs." Linear Algebra Appl. 544 (2018): 325-338. Online version: Full text also available here.
  15. E. Andrade, D. M. Cardoso, L. Medina, O. Rojo "On the dominating induced matching problem: Spectral results and sharp bounds." Discrete Applied Mathematics 234 (2018):  22-31. Online version:  Full text also available here.
  16. D. M. Cardoso, C. Dominic, L. Witkowski, M. Witkowski, "On Cops and Robbers on $G^{\Xi}$ and cop-edge critical graphs " Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 12(2) (2017): 167-186. Online version:
  17. D. M. Cardoso, D. P. Jacobs, V. Trevisan, "Laplacian Distribution and Domination" Graphs and Combinatorics 33 (2017): 1283-1295. Online version: DOI 10.1007/s00373-017-1844-x.
  18. D. M. Cardoso, P. Carvalho, P. Rama, S. K. Simić, Z. Stanić, "Lexicographic polynomials of graphs and their spectra." Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 11 (2017): 258-272 (Fulltext).
  19. C. Dominic, D. M. Cardoso, L. Witkowski, M. Witkowski, "A short note on cops and robbers playing on total graphs." Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research 16(1) (2017): 39-45(Fulltext).
  20. E. Andrade, D. M. Cardoso, L. Medina, O. Rojo, "Bethe graphs attached to the vertices of a connected graph - a spectral approach."  Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65(4) (2017): 857-868. Online version:
  21. N. Abreu, D. M. Cardoso, P. Carvalho, C.T.M. Vinagre, "Spectra and Laplacian spectra of arbitrary powers of lexicographic products of graphs." Discrete Mathematics Vol 340 (2017): 3235-3244. Online version: Full text also available here.
  22. D. M. Cardoso, O. Rojo, "Edge perturbation on graphs with clusters: adjacency, Laplacian and signless Laplacian eigenvalues." Linear Algebra Appl. Vol. 512 (2017): 113-128. Online version:
  23. D. M. Cardoso, M. Robbiano, O. Rojo "Combinatorial and spectral properties of Konig-Egerváry graphs." Discrete Applied Mathematics. Vol. 217 (2017): 446-454. Online version:
  24. D. M. Cardoso, V. V. Lozin, C. J. Luz, M. F. Pacheco "Efficient domination through eigenvalues." Discrete Applied Mathematics 214 (2016): 54-62. Online version:
  25. D. M. Cardoso, C. J. Luz, "A simplex like approach based on star sets for recognizing convex-QP adverse graphs," J. Comb. Optim. Vol. 31 (2016): 311-326, DOI 10.1007_s10878-014-9745-x (Full text).
  26. E. Andrade, D.M. Cardoso, M. Robbiano, J. Rodriguez, "Laplacian spread of graphs: Lower bounds and relations with invariant parameters", Linear Algebra Appl. 468 (2015): 494-503. Online version:
  27. M. Andjelic D.M. Cardoso, C.M. da Fonseca, E.A. Martins, S.K. Simic, D.V. Tovsic "Some new considerations about double nested graphs," Linear Algebra Appl. 483 (2015): 323-341. Online version: http://doi:10.1016/j.laa.2015.06.010.
  28. E. Andrade, D. M. Cardoso, G. Pastén, O. Rojo "On the Faria's inequality for the Laplacian and signless Laplacian spectra: A unified approach." Linear Algebra Appl. 472 (2015): 81-96. Online version:
  29. M. Andjelic, D. M. Cardoso, "Spectral characterization of families of split graphs." Graphs and Combinatorics  Vol. 31, No. 1 (2015): 59-72. Online version:   DOI 10.1007/s00373-013-1387-8. Full text also availeble here ).
  30. I. Barbedo, D. M. Cardoso, D. Cvetković, P. Rama, S.K. Simić, "A Recursive Construction of the Regular Exceptional Graphs with Least Eigenvalue -2." Portugaliae Mathematica 71(2) (2014):79-96. ( Full text ).
  31. D. M. Cardoso, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano, O. Rojo, "Eigenvalues of a H-generalized join graph operation constrained by vertex subsets." Linear Algebra Appl. 438 (2013): 3278-3290.
  32. M. Andjelic, D. M. Cardoso, S. K . Simić, "Relations between (k,t)-regular sets and star complements." Czecholovak Mathematical Journal, 63 (2013): 73-90.
  33. D. M. Cardoso, M. A. A. Freitas, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano, "Spectra of graphs obtained by a generalization of the join graph operation."  Discrete Math. 313 (2013): 733-741.
  34. D. M. Cardoso, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano, O. Rojo, "Copies of a rooted weighted graph attached to an arbitrary weighted graph and applications."  Electron. J. Linear Algebra 26 (2013): 706-7017( Full text ).
  35. H. Nina, R. L. Soto, D. M. Cardoso,"The Jordan canonical form for a class of weighted directed graphs."  Linear Algebra Appl. 438 (2013): 261-268
  36. D. M. Cardoso, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano, V. Trevisan,"Computing the Laplacian spectra of some graphs." Discrete Appl. Math. 160 (2012): 2645-2654, doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2011.04.002.
  37. Nair M. M. Abreu, Domingos M. Cardoso, Enide A. Martins, Maria Robbiano, B. San Martin, "On the Laplacian and signless Laplacian spectrum of a graph with k pairwise co-neighbor vertices." Linear Algebra Appl. 437 (2012): 2308-2316. Electronic version.
  38. D. M. Cardoso, M. E. Silva, J. Szymanski, "A generalization of chromatic polynomial of a graph subdivision " Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 182, No. 2, (2012): 246-254. DOI: 10.1007/s10958-012-0745-z
  39. D. M. Cardoso, V. V. Lozin, "On hereditary properties of the class of graphs with convex quadratic stability number." Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 182, No. 2, (2012): 227-232. DOI: 10.1007/s10958-012-0743-1
  40. D. M. Cardoso, J. O. Cerdeira, "The minimum weight t-composition of an integer." Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 182, No. 2, (2012): 210-215. DOI: 10.1007/s10958-012-0741-3
  41. I. Sciriha and D. M. Cardoso, "Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Hamiltonian Graph", Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 80 (2012):127-150 Full text
  42. O. Rojo, M. Robbiano, D. M. Cardoso, E. A. Martins, "Spectra of weighted rooted graphs having prescribed subgraphs at some levels." Electron. J. Linear Algebra 22 (2011): 653-671. MR2817804(2012e:05242)
  43. D. M. Cardoso, I. Gutman, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano, "A generalization of Fiedler's lemma and some applications." Linear and Multilinear Algebra 59 (8) (2011): 929-942. Available online MR2826062
  44. N. Abreu, D. M. Cardoso, I. Gutman, E. A. Martins, M. Robbiano, "Bounds for the signless Laplacian energy." Linear Algebra Appl.. 435 (10) (2011): 2365-2374. MR2811121
  45. D. M. Cardoso, N. Korpelainen, V. V. Lozin, "On the complexity of the dominating induced matching problem in herditary classes of graphs." Discrete Appl. Math. 159 (2011): 521-531. Available online at doi:10.1016/j.dam.2010.03.011 Zbl pre05880189. MR2774104(2012e:05268)
  46. I. Gutman, M. Robbiano, E. A. Martins, D. M. Cardoso, L. Medina, O. Rojo, "Energy of line graphs." Linear Algebra Appl. 433 (2010): 1312-1323.Zbl1194.05137. MR2680258 (2012a:05188)
  47. D. M. Cardoso, P. Rowlinson, "Spectral upper bounds for the order of a k-regular induced subgraph." Linear Algebra Appl. 433 (2010): 1031-1037. Zbl pre05758024MR2658654(2011g:05174)
  48. D. M. Cardoso, I. Sciriha, C. Zerafa, "Main eigenvalues and $(k,\tau)$-regular sets." Linear Algebra Appl. 423 (2010): 2399-2408 [AMS MSC 05C50, 05C60, 05B20]. Available online at doi:10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.039; Zblpre05689453. MR2599869(2011d:05214)
  49. D. M. Cardoso, J. Craveirinha, J. Sá-Esteves, "Second order conditions on the overflow traffic from the Erlang-B system: a unified analysis." Journal of Mathematical Science, Vol. 161, N. 6 (2009): 839-853. Zbl pre05660163MR2760274(2012e:90031)
  50. A. Agra, D. M. Cardoso, J. O. Cerdeira, M. Miranda, E. Rocha "Solving huge size instances of the optimal diversity management problem." Journal of Mathematical Science, Vol 161, N. 6 (2009): 956-960. Zblpre05660172MR2760283.
  51. D. M. Cardoso, S. J. Pinheiro, "Spectral upper bounds on the size of k-regular induced subgraphs."  Electronic Notes in Discrete Math. 32 (2009): 3-10, [AMS MSC 05C50]. doi:10.1016/j.endm.2009.02.002. MR2574588(2011a:05192)
  52. D. M. Cardoso, D. Cvetković, P. Rowlinson, S. K. Simić, "A sharp lower bound for the least eigenvalue of the signless Laplacian of a non-bipartite graph." Linear Algebra Appl., 429 (2008): 2770-2780 [AMS MSC 05C50]. Zbl1148.05046. MR2455532(2009i:05145)
  53. D. M. Cardoso, J. O. Cerdeira, C. Delorme, P. C. Silva, "Efficient edge domination in regular graphs."  Discrete Applied Mathematics156(2008): 3060-3065. Zbl pre05526356. MR2457515(2009f:05197).
  54. D. M. Cardoso, M. Kaminski, V. Lozin,"Maximum k-regular induced subgraphs."  Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol. 14, n. 4 (2007): 455-463 [AMS MSC 90C60, 05C50]. Zbl1149.90169. MR2366392(2008k:05148).
  55. D. M. Cardoso, P. Rama, "Spectral results on regular graphs with (k,t)-regular sets."  Discrete Math. 307 (2007): 1306-1316 [AMS MSC 05C50]. Zblpre05146827; MR2311101(2008i:05115).
  56. D. M. Cardoso, P. Rama,"Spectral results on graphs with regularity constraints."  Linear Algebra Appl. 423 (2007): 90-98. Available online at doi:10.1016/j.laa.2006.09.028[AMS MSC 05C50]. MR2312326(2008a:05162).
  57. D. M. Cardoso, C. Delorme, P. Rama, "Laplacian eigenvectors and eigenvalues and almost equitable partitions."  Eur. J. Combin. 28 (2007): 665-673 [AMS MSC 05C50]. Zblpre05137573. MR2300748(2007m:05151).
  58. D. M. Cardoso, D. Cvetković "Graphs with least eigenvalue -2 attaining a convex quadratic upper bound for the stability number."  Bull. Acad. Serbe Sci. Arts, CI. Sci. Math. Natur. Sci. Math., 31 (2006): 41-55 [AMS MSC 05C50 (90C35)].MR2361111(2009d:05143).
  59. D. M. Cardoso, L. A. Vieira, "On the optimal parameter of a self-concordant barrier over a symmetric cone." European Journal of Operational Research - EJOR, 169 (2006):1148-1157. Available online via ScienceDirect. [AMS MSC 90C25; 90C51]. Zblpre02223390. MR2174010(2006f:90102).
  60. D. M. Cardoso, J. F. Sousa, "A multi-attribute ranking solutions confirmation procedure." Annals of Operations Research, Volume 138, Number 1 (September 2005): 127-141. Available online via SpringerLink. [AMS MSC 90C29]. Zblpre05009740. MR2169985(2006c:90039).
  61. D. M. Cardoso, P. Rama, "Equitable bipartitions of graphs and related results."  Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol 120 (Issue 1: Aveiro Seminar on Control, Optimization and Graph Theory) (2004): 869-880. [AMS MSC 05C69; 90C35]. Zbl 1079.05072. MR2099043(2005g:05117).
  62. D. M. Cardoso, L. A. Vieira, "Euclidean Jordan algebras with strongly regular graphs."  Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol 120 (Issue 1: Aveiro Seminar on Control, Optimization and Graph Theory) (2004): 881-894. [AMS MSC 17C27; 05C50]. Zblpre02170222. MR2099044(2005m:05237).
  63. R. Barbosa, D. M. Cardoso, "On regular-stable graphs."  Ars Combinatoria, 70 (2004): 149-159. [AMS MSC 05C70]. Zblpre05036068. MR2023070(2004m:05199).
  64. D. M. Cardoso, "On graphs with stability number equal to the optimal value of a convex quadratic program." Matemática Contemporânea (Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática), 25 (2003):9-24. [AMS MSC 90C20 (05C69)]. Full text (file.pdf). Zbl1050.05091. MR2017382(2004m:90105).
  65. D. M. Cardoso, J. F. Sousa, "Numerical tools for multiattribute ranking problems." Networks, Vol. 41, 4 (2003): 229-234. Available online here. [AMS MSC 06A06; 06A05; 90C29]. Zblpre01958282. MR2003735(2004g:91048).
  66. L. Tralhão, J. Craveirinha, D. Cardoso, "Analytical properties of a stochastic teletraffic system with MMPP and an acces function." Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology 3 (2002): 17-23. [AMS MSC 90B15; 90B20; 90B22].
  67. D. M. Cardoso, "Convex quadratic programming approach to the maximum matching problem." Journal of Global Optimization 21 (2001):91-106. [AMS MSC 90C35 (05C50, 05C70, 90C25)]. MR1856805(2002e:90108b).
  68. C. J. Luz, D. M. Cardoso, "A quadratic programming approach to the determination of an upper bound on the weighted stability number." European Journal of Operational Research - EJOR 132 (2001): 569-581. [AMS MSC 05C35 (90C20)]. Zbl 01626207.MR1832516(2002b:05081).
  69. C. J. Luz, D. M. Cardoso, "A generalization of the Hoffman-Lovasz upper bound on the independence number of a regular graph". Annals of Operations Research, 81 (1998):307-319. [AMS MSC 90C35 (90C60, 90C27)]. Zbl 0908.90260.MR1638402.
  70. T. H. Hultberg, D. M. Cardoso, "The teacher assignment problem: a special case of the fixed charge transportation problem." European Journal of Operational Research - EJOR, 101 (1997):463-473. [AMS MSC 90C11(90C08 90C09 90C60)]. Zbl0921.90124.
  71. D. M. Cardoso, J. N. Clímaco, "On the use of duality and pricing criteria in the generalized-simplex method." International Transactions in Operations Research, 12 (1995):107-116. [AMS MSC 90C05]. Zbl0868.90076.
  72. J. Sá Esteves, J. Craveirinha, D. M. Cardoso, "Computing Erlang-B function derivatives in the number of Servers." Communications in Statistics - Stochastic Models", Vol. 11, 2 (1995):311-331. [AMS MSC 90B22 (60K25, 68M20)]. Zbl 0834.60097. MR1323958(96h:90048).
  73. D. M. Cardoso, J. N. Clímaco, "The generalized simplex method." Operations Research Letters, 12 (1992):337-348. [AMS MSC 90C05]. Zbl0770.90038. MR1189738(93i:90059).
  74. J. N. Clímaco, D. M. Cardoso, "Linear Fractional Programming: a new bicriteria approach." Belgian Journal of Operations Research- JORBEL, Statistics and Computer Science, Vol. 29, 3 (1990):4-24. [AMS MSC 90C32 (90C31, 65K05, 90C05)]. Zbl0697.90077
  75. Papers in national journals:

  76. D. M. cardoso, "Uma introdução à partição de inteiros", Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, 56 (2007):51-61 [AMS MSC 05A17] (in Portuguese). MR2537911.
  77. I. Santos, M. Silva, D. Cardoso, F. Pereira, "Influência da Reciclagem e Compostagem na Receita duma Instalação de Incineração", Águas e Resíduos, Ano V/Julho (2001):31-43. [AMS MSC 90B50] (in Portuguese).
  78. P. Rama, D. M. Cardoso, "Autoconcordância e Método de Newton Enfraquecido." Investigação Operacional, Vol. 20, n.2 (2000):147-166. [AMS MSC 90C25] (in Portuguese).
  79. D. M. Cardoso, J. N. Clímaco, "Sobre a Solução Admissível Inicial em Programação Linear." Investigação Operacional, Vol. 14, 1 (1994):61-75. [AMS MSC 90C05] (in Portuguese).
  80. D. M. Cardoso, "Dualidade em Programação Linear Fraccionária." Investigação Operacional, Vol. 10, 1 (1990):65-84. [AMS MSC 90C32] (in Portuguese).
  81. Book chapters and papers in proceedings:

  82. Domingos M. Cardoso, Sofia J. Pinheiro, Spectral bounds for the k-regular induced subgraph problem. Natália Bebiano (Ed.), Applied and Computational Matrix Analysis, MAT-TRIAD, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2015, Selected, Revised Contributions, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 192 (2017) 105-116, Springer.
  83. Domingos M. Cardoso, Carlos J. Luz, Maria F. Pacheco, Determination of (0,2)-regular sets in graphs and applications. José F. Oliveira, João P. Almeida, Alberto A. Pinto (Eds.) Operational Research, IO2013 - XV Congress of APDIO, Bragança, Portugal, June 3 - 5, 2103, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences 4 (2015): 107-121,  Springer International Publishing AG Switzerland.
  84. Domingos M. Cardoso, Vadim V. Lozin, Dominating induced matchings. Lipshteyn, Marina, Levit, Vadim E., McConnell, Ross (Eds.), Graph theory, computational intelligence and thought. Essays dedicated to Martin Charles Golumbic on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Berlin: Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5420 (2009): 77-86. [AMS MSC 68R10, 68Txx]. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02029-2_8. Zblpre05654170. MR2721724(2012a:05243)
  85. Maria F. Pacheco, Domingos M. Cardoso, "Recognition of graphs with convex quadratic stability number." In Simos, Theodore E. et al. (ed.), International conference on numerical analysis and applied mathematics, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, September 18--22, 2009. Vol. 2.  American Institute of Physics (AIP). AIP Conference Proceedings 1168, 2, 1366-1369 (2009) Melville, NY: [AMS MSC 05C99]. Zblpre05662025.
  86. D. M. Cardoso, J. F. Sousa, "Confirmation results on multiattribute ranking problems." Proceedings of XI CLAIO - Latin-Iberian American Congress of Operations Research. University of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile (2002): CDROM. [AMS MSC 90B50]. Abstract.
  87. D. M. Cardoso, F. M. Marques, C. C. Passos, "Armazenamento e Circulação Óptima de Equipamentos." In "Casos de Aplicação da Investigação Operacional em Portugal" editado por Carlos Henggler Antunes e Luís Valadares Tavares, (2000):52-63, McGraw-Hill Portugal. [AMS MSC 90B80(90B05)](in Portuguese). Abstract.
  88. J. Sá Esteves, J. Craveirinha, D. Cardoso, "The Overflow Traffic from the Erlang-B System - What Convexity Properties?" In Joaquim Júdice (ed.), Actas do Encontro sobre Metamática em Telecomunicações. Que Problemas? Coimbra (1998):1-8. [AMS MSC 90B18]. MR1735430.
  89. J. Sá Esteves, J. Craveirinha, D. M. Cardoso, "A Reduced Recursion for Computing Erlang-B Function Derivatives." Teletraffic Contributions for the Information Age - Proceedings of the 15th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) 15, Washington, D.C., USA. Edited by V. Ramaswami & P. E. Wirth. Elsevier Science, B. V., Amsterdam, Netherlands, vol 2B (Teletrafic Contributions for the Information Age), (1997):1315-1326 [AMS MSC 90B18]. Abstract.
  90. D. M. Cardoso, J. N. Clímaco, "Efficient frontier scanning in MOLP using a new tool." In Tzeng, Wang, Wen and Yu (ed.) Multiple Criteria Decision Making - Expand and Enrich the Domains of Thinking and Application, (1994):229-238, Springer. [AMS MSC 90C29 (90C05)]. Zbl-MATH0817.90088.
  91. D. M. Cardoso, J. N. Clímaco, "Analysis and Resolution of Fractional Programming Problems: An approach distinct from the ones based on the Dinkelbach's algorithm." Proceedings of AIRO'90 Congress, (1990): 789-806 [AMS MSC 90C32]. Abstract.
  92. Other publications:

  93. D. M. Cardoso, P. Oliveira, "Portuguese Operational Research Society—Apdio." Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2012. DOI: 10.1002/9780470400531.eorms1053.
  94. D. M. Cardoso, L. A. Vieira, "A short proof of the Newton-Kantarovich theorem." EUROPT Newsletter, 12 (2008): 24-26. Full text (file.pdf)
  95. D. M. Cardoso, "Sobre o teorema das quatro cores".  Folha Informativa da SPM, 6 (1998):11-14 (in Portuguese) [AMS MSC 05C15 (01-02)]. Texto completo (
  96. M. Cardoso, P. M. Vilarinho, "Análise de uma aplicação da programação em lógica ao ensino assistido por computador." Actas do Segundo Encontro de Inteligência Artificial - Epia86, Lisboa (1986): 219-225 (in Portuguese) [AMS MSC 68T35 (68T27)]. Resumo.
  97. Research reports and working papers:

  98. Domingos M. Cardoso, J. Orestes Cerdeira, J. Pedro Cruz, Charles Dominic. "Injective Edge Chromatic Index of a Graph." arXiv:1510.02626v1, 17 p. Full text (file.pdf).
  99. Domingos M. Cardoso, Irene Sciriha and Cheryl Zerafa. "Main Eigenvalues, (k,t)-regular Sets and Hamiltonian Graphs." Universidade de Aveiro. Cadernos de Matemática CM08/I-07 (2008): 18 p. Full text ( file.pdf).
  100. A. Agra, D. M. Cardoso, J. O. Cerdeira. M. Miranda, E. M. Rocha. " The Minimum Weight Spanning Star Forest of the Optimal Diversity Management Problmem"." Universidade de Aveiro. Cadernos de Matemática CM07/I-08 (2007): 9 p. Full text ( file.pdf).
  101. J. S. Esteves, J. Craveirinha, D. M. Cardoso. "Second Order Conditions on the Overflow Traffic from the Erlang-B System." Universidade de Aveiro. Cadernos de Matemática CM06/I-20 (2006): 13 p. Full text ( file.pdf).
  102. D. M. Cardoso, "A Matemática e os seus Problemas." Universidade de Aveiro. Cadernos de Matemática CM06/D-2, (2006):17 p. Full text ( file.pdf).
  103. D. M. Cardoso, D. A. Catalano " Elementos de matemática" Universidade de Aveiro. Cadernos de Matemática CM06/D-1, (2006): 43 p. Full text ( file.pdf).
  104. D. M. Cardoso,, C. Delorme, P. Rama, " Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of graphs with regularity constraints." Universidade de Aveiro. Cadernos de Matemática CM04/I-9, (2004):12 p. [05C50] Full text (
  105. D. M. Cardoso, L. A. Vieira, "Conceitos e Resultados sobre Álgebras de Jordan." Universidade de Aveiro. Cadernos de Matemática CM03/I-20, (2003): 44 p. (in Portuguese). [AMS MSC 17C27]. Full text ( file.pdf).
  106. D. M. Cardoso, L. A. Vieira, "Representação Quadrática de uma Álgebra de Jordan." Universidade de Aveiro. Cadernos de Matemática CM03/I-23, (2003): 31 p. (in Portuguese). [AMS MSC 17C27]. Full text (
  107. D. M. Cardoso, C. J. Luz, "Extensions of the Motzkin-Straus Result on the Stability Number of Graphs." Universidade de Aveiro. Cadernos de Matemática CM01/I-17, (2001): 18 p. [AMS MSC 05C69 (90C35)]. Full text (
  108. L. A. Vieira, D. M. Cardoso, "Barreira autoconcordante no cone dos quadrados de uma álgebra de Jordan." Universidade de Aveiro. Cadernos de Matemática CM00/I-25, (2000): 37 p. (in Portuguese). [AMS MSC 90C22 (90C51, 17C27)]. Full text ( file.pdf)..
  109. Selection by databases