Pedro Fonseca
ORCID: 0000-0002-7313-6959
CienciaVitae: EB1B-DA50-F5E5
Scopus Author ID: 7005166330
Web of Science: G-4125-2016
Google Scholar
Room 4.3.24 Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics Campus Universitário 3810-193 AVEIRO Portugal |
Room 2.25 Instituto de Telecomunicações Universidade de Aveiro 3810-193 AVEIRO Portugal |
A Proposal for the Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering Area at the University of Aveiro
Installing Virtual Box Guest Additions
(Muito breve) Introdução ao Make
Git basics
Ball point game
Paper tower competition
Installing new templates in MPLab-X IDE
Programming the DETI Robot in Windows Subsystem for Linux
Using tags in Git
Using MPLAB X IDE debugger with the simulator
Writing questions for Moodle tests in GIFT
Using terminal I/O in PIC32 programs
Creating lists of figures and tables in LaTeX
MPLAB X IDE debugger
Installation of Microchip programming tools
Tools for quick feedback in Moodle
Introdução à Bash - Parte 2
Introdução à Bash - Parte 1
Enabling Windows Subsystem for Linux
Extra sessions on PIC32
The config_bits.h file and oscillator configuration
Using C callback functions
Computing polynomials in C code
Getting CppUTest to run in your computer
A simple module to handle timers in micro-controllers
A hands-on introduction to Git
Scrum for Project Development
Use cases for Electronic Engineering Projects
The Business Model Canvas
Preparing a proposal
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