“When one teaches, two learn.”, Robert Heinlein

Current Courses

41488 - Projeto Industrial / Industrial project

Course page in the University’s website

Application of engineering design methodologies from the request of an external customer, as well as familiarization with the engineering design methodology. Development of the ability to work as a team. Awareness of non-technical engineering dimensions, including their ethical, social and economic dimensions.


41478 - Competências Transversais para Engenharia / Transversal Competences for Engineering

Course page in the University’s website

The objective of the curricular unit is to provide students with basic knowledge and skills in transversal competences for Electrical Engineering.

49983 - Projeto em Engenharia Electrónica / Project in Electrical Engineering

Course page in the University’s website


40610 - Seminário em Automação Industrial / Seminar in Industrial Automation

Course page in the University’s website

Upon completion of the curricular unit, students:

  • will know the equipment and methods most often used in the field of Industrial
  • will be able to assess the suitability of a technical solution to a simple problem of Industrial Automation
  • will be able to interpret and produce technical documentation, such as PLC programs, microprocessor code and mechanical drawings
  • will be able to propose simple solutions to problems in the field of Industrial Automation

Lecture texts

Technical Writing

Writing reports is a fundamental part of the activity of any professional in technical and scientific areas, either an Engineer or a Researcher, and both during training and while practicing as a professional.

The “Guide to Report Writing” (or “Guia para a Redação de Relatórios”) provides some “cues” to help writing technical or scientific reports. The ideas and concepts suggested here are not directed at any particular situation. It is intended, above all, to present some of the most important issues concerning writing of technical-scientific reports and to give some guidelines about writing of scientific or technical text.

For those writing a report on a lab assignment or a project, I have prepared a checklist with a few things you should verify on your report before submitting: “Lista de pontos a verificar na elaboração de um relatório” (in Portuguese).

A Report Template (in odt and pdf format) is published, organized according to the proposed structure.

In a more extensive approach, IEEE provides a guide on “How to write for Technical Periodicals & Conferences”. IEEE Author Center can be a valuable source on information for publishing scientific articles at any level.

MSc Dissertations

List of dissertations I have supervised.