
This post presents some of the basic features of MPLAB X IDE: how to install a project packed in a zip file, how to compile, run and load a project, and how to use some of the debugging session features. If you are new to MPLAB, this will provide you with the basic skills to develop and test embedded code using Microchip’s hardware and software-

In the following, we will see how to define breakpoints (force the program execution to stop at specific points), to control the program execution and advance step-by-step, and to inspect the value of registers and variables, while the program is running. These features are essencial, in many occasions, to be able to debug a piece of embedded systems software.

Previous requirements

Work described here supposes that you have installed Microchip development tool chain (IDE and compiler) (see this post) and that you have a development board with a Microchip PIC32 micro-controller (in this case, Digilent ChipKit Max32)

Install a program

First step will be to install a project packaged as a zip file.

  1. Download the file. This contains a simple project, packaged in a single zip file.
  2. Extract the zip file contents to MPLAB “Projects Folder”. To know the location of the Projects Folder in your installation, follow, from MPLAB’s menu: “Tools > Options > Embedded”. The zip file contains a DummyBlink.X folder with the required project files. This folder should be located under your Projects Folder.
  3. You should now be able to open the DummyBlink project from the “Open Project” option in MPLAB menu.

Compile and load the project

The DummyBlink project is ready to compile and load. To make sure that you are compiling the right project, right-click over the DummyBlink project and select the option “Set as Main Project”. This will guarantee that commands (such as compile, link, load, …) apply to the DummyBlink project.1

MPLAB Set Main Project

Compile the project (in the menu: Production->Build Main Project, press F11 or click on the “Build” button MPLAB Build Main Project). Load the code on the development board using the “Run Main Project” button:
MPLAB Set Main Project

If everything went OK, LED4 in the Max32 board should start blinking, first rapidly for less than a second, and then at a slower pace.

Debug the main project

With the program running in the micro-controller, you can now use the debugging features of the MPLAB X IDE.

For that, you need to start a debugging session with the “Debug Project” button (or, in the Menu: Debug->Debug Main Project):
MPLAB Set Main Project

This will load a special version of the the program and cause the debug toolbar to show:
MPLAB Debug ToolBar

You are now in a debugger session, that provides additional features to control and verify the execution of the program. The “Finish Debugger Session” (Shift+F5 or Debug->Finish Debugger Session), the button with the red square, will terminate the debugger session. Clicking again in the Debug Project button will restart the debugger session.

Click the “Pause” (orange) button. The program execution will stop and several buttons will become available:
MPLAB Debug ToolBar

Look at the editing window. One of the code lines will have a green background:
MPLAB Debug ToolBar
This is the line, in the source code, that corresponds to the instruction that was going to be executed when the program execution was paused.

Pressing the green button (or F5) will resume the program execution. Check the action of the “Pause” (Ctrl+Alt+8) and “Continue” (F5) buttons.

Defining breakpoints

Finish the debugger session. With the debugger session suspended, click in the number of the lines containing the PORTA assignment instructions, at the left of the editing window. This will make a red square appear over the line number, and the line highlighted in red:
MPLAB Break Points

These square marks represent breakpoints, points where the code execution will stop, during a debug session.

Start a new debugger session. The program will stop at the first breakpoint:
MPLAB Break Points 1
As before, the line at which the program stops is signaled in green.

Pressing “Continue” (F5) will resume program execution, stopping at the next breakpoint. Test the program execution by pressing F5 and looking at the LED4 state, as the program evolves.

Breakpoints can be deleted with the same process they are created. Try to delete one of the breakpoints and create it back again.

Step Over, Step Into and Step Out

With the program halted at one of the breakpoints, resume the program execution by using the “Step over” (or F8) button:
MPLAB Step Over Button
Press F8 repeatedly and notice how the program execution evolves.

Repeat the procedure using the “Step Into” (or F7) button. Notice the different between “Step Over” and “Step Into”. Notice also that the line beneath the editing window shows the cursor context:
MPLAB Cursor Context

The “Step Out” button (Ctrl+F7) performs the opposite of “Step Into” and causes the program execution to go up one level in the call tree. In this case, “Step Out” allows to leave the delay() function and resume execution in the main().

Other forms of program control

The other buttons in the debugger toolbar allow to control the Program Counter position in different ways. “Run to Cursor” (or F4) makes the program execution stop at the cursor location. It is posible to force the Program Counter to be located at the cursor position by pressing “Set PC at cursor” or to have the cursor located at the current Program Counter location (“Focus Cursor at PC”). “Reset” forces the program to reset. In the case of DummyBlink, reset is visible from the fast blinking at program start.

Adding watches

The debugger session allows, not only to control the program execution but to check the value of variables and registers. This is done my means of watches. With watches, it is possible to read the current value of a register or variable, as well as set its value.

Watches are presented in one of the tabs, beneath the editing window in the default view:
MPLAB Watches Tab

Watches on registers

The simplest way to add a new watch is to double-click in “<Enter new watch>” and write the name of the variable or register. In this case, we want to inspect the value being written in port A, so we will have a look at the value of LATA register:
MPLAB Watches Tab

Keeping the two breakpoints at each of the lines that set the value of PORTA, use “Continue” (F5) to advance the program execution and notice the changes in the value of PORTA and in the LED4 state. By clicking on the “pin” sign to the left of LATA, you can expand LATA and check the value of each individual bit:
MPLAB Watches LATA_bits

The debugger allows also to set the value of registers. Try to change the value of LATA (from 0x08 to 0x00 or vice-versa) and verify the effect on LED4. To change the register value, simply click on the value box and write the new value. LED4 should go on when you write 0x08 to LATA, and off when you write 0x00.

Watches on variables

Watches can be set to variables too. In this case, we will add a watch for maxval. Use the same process as above: click on the box saying “<Enter new watch>”. The value for maxval is displayed in hexadecimal, by default. We can change this representation to decimal by right-clicking on the variable name in the watch tab and selecting the “Display Column Value As” option:
MPLAB Watches Set Format

Let us see the effect of changing maxval value. Pause the programa (click on the “Orange” pause button or press Ctrl+Alt+8). Most probably, at the pause the PC (Program Counter) will be at a line in the delay() function. In this case, the debugger will not show the value of maxval; it is out of scope. Use “Step Out” (Ctrl+F7) to pause the program in the main() scope. At this point, the value for maxval should be visible. Change maxval to a different value (e.g., 900000). Do not forget to press ‘Enter’ to store the value. Continue the program by pressing F5. Note the effect in LED4 blinking frequency.

  1. One sometimes annoying feature of MPLAB X IDE is the fact that the last project loaded in the IDE is not necessarily the active project. MPLAB allows for several projects to be opened at the same time. Commands such as Build, Load and Run apply to the main project. When a project is opened in MPLAB, this project is not set as the main project. A frequent error with MPLAB newcomers is to open a project and start issuing build, load or run commands. If a project was previously set as the main project, the commands will still apply to the “old” project, as it is still the main project, although, for instance, the focus may be on the most recently open project.