Current research projects
Old stuff
Indoor Positioning Systems
Positioning systems are required today in many contexts. For outdoor applications, GPS is, by far, the most widespred solutions. But GPS requires line of sight to a number of satellites and therefore cannot be used indoors. As such, several alternatives have emerged for indoor positioning. One of them is based in Visible Light Communication systems.
One of my interests is the application of Visible Light Communication systems to Indoor Positioning.
List of MSc supervisions related to Visible Light Indoor Positioning Systems
Year | Degree | Student name | Title |
2023/24 | MRSI | Mateus Alexandre Marques Araújo | Visible Light Positioning for Industry 4.0 Digital Twins |
2022/23 | MIEC | João Pedro Rebolo Vieira | Indoor Visible Light Positioning System with Artificial Neural Networks |
2022/23 | MIEET | Renato Samuel Oliveira Barros Rocha | Machine Learning for Visible Light Positioning with Non-Imaging Sensors |
2022/23 | MIEET | Guilherme Jorge Lopes Cajeira | Visible Light Positioning for Robot Squads |
2022/23 | MEET | Miguel Seabra da Silva | Indoor positioning for unmanned aerial vehicles with unmodulated light sources |
2021/22 | MIEET | Diogo Alexandre Agostinho Vala | Ground Truth System for Validation of Indoor Positioning Systems |
2020/21 | MIEET | Celso Daniel dos Santos Pereira | OWC for indoor localization in mobile robotics |
2018/19 | MIEET | Miguel Lopes Rêgo | Visible Light Positioning based on camera and sensor fusion |
2018/19 | MIEET | André Neto Gradim | Machine Learning for Visible Light Positioning of Mobile Agents |
2018/19 | MIEET | Pedro Alexandre Tavares Rodrigues | Robotic Platform for Visible Light Positioning |
2015/16 | MIEET | Miguel Castro Miguéis Vieira | VLC based position estimation for robotic navigation |
2015/16 | MIEET | António Pedro Gonçalves Vilas-Boas | Sistema de Iluminação para Posicionamento em Ambientes Interiores de um Agente Móvel |
2014/15 | MIEET | Filipe Manuel Lourenço Duarte | Visible Light Indoor Positioning for Mobile Robots |
Embedded Systems
Motivation: widespread usage of embedded systems requires a high-level of confidence in system’s behavior. Example of application: self-driven cars. Correct methodologies and tools play a fundamental role in reliably transforming user/customer requirements into executable code.
Problem: how to guarantee that an embedded system
- Fulfills specifications and requirements (functional, normative, …)
- Is maintainable and evolutive
- Has no errors
Line(s) of work: study the application of Agile methods to Embedded Systems. Exploit tools and methods, such as TDD (Test-Driven Development), Unit-Testing, Peer-Programming, in the context of embedded systems.
List of MSc supervisions related to Embedded Systems
Year | Degree | Student name | Title |
2022/23 | MIEET | Mário Gabriel Rodrigues da Rocha Dias | Low-power embedded system for acquisition and transmission of piezoresistive sensor measurements |
2020/21 | MIEET | Francisco Bártolo Ribeiro Pinto | Framework para Sistema de Gestão Técnica Centralizado |
2020/21 | MIEET | Hugo David Pinto Santos | Sistema de Manipulação Robótica para marcação a laser |
2019/20 | MIEET | Rui Filipe Santos Carapinha | Projeto I-RoCS: Sistema de visão para monitorização da sujidade no chão de unidades industriais |
2019/20 | MIEET | João Miguel Soares Ferreira | Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Gestão Técnica Centralizado |
2019/20 | MIEET | Ricardo Jorge Gonçalves | Bases de dados tempo-real para Indústria 4.0 |
2019/20 | MIEET | Álvaro Luís de Amorim Vaz | Smart Objects para a Indústria 4.0 |
2019/20 | MIEET | Miguel Jorge Ferreira | Energy Management in Industry 4.0 environments |
2019/20 | MIEET | Pedro Rafael Pereira Da Costa Luzeiro | Sistema de aquisição de dados WI-FI para integração em máquina de soldadura |
2019/20 | MIEET | João André de Jesus Cruz | Telemetria para Vasilhame baseada em IoT |
2019/20 | MEAI | Luís Emanuel Ferreira Cristóvão | Sistema de Telemetria para o concurso MotoStudent |
2018/19 | MIEET | João Ricardo Mateus Bastos Simões | Network infrastructures for industry 4.0: a proof of concept on IoT 2020 |
2016/17 | MIEET | João Eduardo Terlica Lagoa | Sistemas embedded de muito baixo consumo para redes LPWAN |
2014/15 | MIEET | Diogo Micael Repas Curto | Sistemas de Deteção por Infravermelhos de Muito Baixo Consumo / Low-Power, Highly Reliable IR Range Detection Systems |
2013/14 | MIECT | Tiago Fernando Alves de Freitas | Práticas Ágeis no Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Embutidos |
2012/13 | MIEET | Hugo Rafael Mendes Tavares | Metodologias de desenvolvimento de sistemas embedded |
2012/13 | MIEET | Tiago Emanuel Urze Afonso | FPGA e sistemas embutidos multi-core para processamento de vídeo |
2012/13 | MIEET | André Pires Ramos | Sistemas sem fios para carga de baterias |
2011/12 | MIEET | Tiago José Carvalho Cantão | Proposta de gateway para redes de sensores sem fios |
2011/12 | MIEET | João Daniel Resende Lopes | Estudo de métodos de calibração de sensores capacitivos |
Industrial Automation
PRODUTECH - Production Technologies Cluster is an articulated network of manufacturing technology providers capable of responding to both competitiveness and sustainability challenges and to the manufacturing industry’s requirements with innovative, flexible, integrated and competitive solutions.” (From PRODUTECH website)
PRODUTECH is in charge of PRODUTECH-SIF, a major Industrial R&D programme, involving 47 partners, from industry, academia and sector associations.
I am currently coordinating the University of Aveiro participation in PRODUTECH-SIF and I am in charge of activity A1.3, “Framework for Data Acquisition in Networked Production Environments” in PPS1 work package, “Networked Production Systems”.
Total project funding: | 7,805,049 € |
University of Aveiro funding: | 407,045 € |
List of MSc supervisions related to Industrial Automation
Year | Degree | Student name | Title |
2021/22 | MIEET | Diogo Barbosa Fernandes | Automatic 3D parts laser marking system |
2020/21 | MEAI | Luis Paulo Mendes Dias | Arquiteturas e configurações de AGVs da próxima geração |
2020/21 | MEAI | Bruno Miguel Morgado das Neves | Simulation/virtual commissioning of machine and process simulation |
2020/21 | MIEET | Agostinho Pires | Projeto i-RoCS: sistema de deteção de sujidade baseada em visão por computador |
2020/21 | MIEET | Hugo David Pinto Santos | Sistema de Manipulação Robótica para marcação a laser |
2019/20 | MIEET | Rui Filipe Santos Carapinha | Projeto I-RoCS: Sistema de visão para monitorização da sujidade no chão de unidades industriais |
2019/20 | MIEET | João Miguel Soares Ferreira | Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Gestão Técnica Centralizado |
2019/20 | MIEET | Ricardo Jorge Gonçalves | Bases de dados tempo-real para Indústria 4.0 |
2019/20 | MIEET | Álvaro Luís de Amorim Vaz | Smart Objects para a Indústria 4.0 |
2019/20 | MIEET | Miguel Jorge Ferreira | Energy Management in Industry 4.0 environments |
2018/19 | MIEET | João Ricardo Mateus Bastos Simões | Network infrastructures for industry 4.0: a proof of concept on IoT 2020 |
2016/17 | MEAI | André Gordo Saraiva | Estágio de projeto elétrico, automação e robótica industrial (Linha montagem bombas óleo caudal variável) |
2015/16 | MEAI | André Domingos da Costa Pinheiro | Sistema de automação e gestão visual da fábrica |