It is commonly believed that a signal of bandwidth w Hertz cannot oscillate at frequencies higher than 2w Hertz. Yet, given any fixed bandwidth, there exist finite energy signals that oscillate in an arbitrarily fast way over arbitrarily long time intervals.
Such oscillations have been called superoscillations. The signals that contain them are called superoscillating signals. The articles in this section study several issues raised by the existence of superoscillating signals.
A bandlimited signal can oscillate at a rate faster than
its bandlimit. This phenomenon, called "superoscillation", has
applications e.g. in superresolution and superdirectivity. The
synthesis of superoscillations is a numerically difficult
problem. We introduce time translation sigma as a design
parameter and give an explicit closed formula for the condition
number of the matrix of the problem, as a function of sigma.
This enables us to determine the best possible condition
number, which is several orders of magnitude better than
otherwise achievable.
Oscillations of a bandlimited signal at a rate faster than
the bandlimit are called "superoscillations" and have
applications e.g. in superresolution and superdirectivity. The
synthesis of superoscillating signals is a numerically
difficult problem. Minimum energy superoscillatory signals seem
attractive for applications because (i) the minimum-energy
solution is unique (ii) it has the smallest energy cost (iii)
it may yield a signal of the smallest possible amplitude. On
the negative side, superoscillating functions of minimum-energy
depend heavily on cancellation and give rise to expressions
that have very large coefficients. Furthermore, these
coefficients have to be found by solving equations that are
very ill-conditioned. Surprisingly, we show that by dropping
the minimum energy requirement practicality can be gained
rather than lost. We give a method of constructing
superoscillating signals that leads to coefficients and
condition numbers that are smaller by several orders of
magnitude than the minimum-energy solution, yet yields energies
close to the minimum. In contrast with the minimum-energy
method, which builds superoscillations by linearly combining
functions with an ill-conditioned Gram matrix, our method
combines orthonormal functions, the Gram matrix of which is
obviously the identity. Another feature of the method is that
it yields the superoscillatory signal that maximises the energy
concentration in a given set, which may or may not include the
superoscillatory segment.
Oscillations of a bandlimited signal at a rate faster than
its maximum frequency are called "superoscillations" and have
been found useful e.g. in connection with superresolution and
superdirectivity. We consider signals of fixed bandwidth and
with a finite or infinite number of samples at the Nyquist
rate, which are regarded as the adjustable signal parameters.
We show that this class of signals can be made to
superoscillate by prescribing its values on an arbitrarily fine
and possibly nonuniform grid. The superoscillations can be made
to occur at a large distance from the nonzero samples of the
signal. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the
problem to have a solution, in terms of the nature of the two
sets involved in the problem. Since the number of constraints
can in general be different from the number of signal
parameters, the problem can be exactly determined,
underdetermined or overdetermined. We describe the solutions in
each of these situations. The connection with oversampling and
variational formulations is also discussed.
Superoscillations occur when a bandlimited signal
oscillates at a rate higher than its maximum frequency. We show
that it is possible to construct superoscillations by
constraining not only the value of the signal but also that of
its derivative. This allows a better control of the shape of
the superoscillations. We find that for any given bandwidth, no
matter how small, there exists a unique signal of minimum
energy that satisfies any combination of amplitude and
derivative constraints, on a sampling grid as fine as desired.
We determine the energy of the signal, for any grid, regular or
irregular. When the set of derivative constraints is empty the
results reduce to minimum energy interpolation. In the absence
of amplitude constraints, we obtain pure derivative-constrained
extremals. The flexibility gained by having two different types
of constraints makes it possible to design superoscillations
based only on amplitudes, based only on derivatives, or based
on both. In the last case, the amplitude and derivative
sampling grids can be interleaved or aligned. We explore this
flexibility to build superoscillations that cost less energy.
Illustrating examples are given.
A band-limited function may oscillate faster than its
maximum Fourier component, and it may do so over arbitrarily
long intervals. The goal of this chapter is to discuss this
phenomenon, which has been called "superoscillation". Although
the theoretical interest in superoscillating functions is
relatively recent, a number of applications are already known
(in quantum physics, superresolution, subwavelength imaging and
antenna theory). This chapter gives a brief account of how
superoscillations appeared and developed and discusses their
cost and some of their implications.
Superoscillations are oscillations at frequencies above
the maximum frequency in the signal spectrum. Signals of very
small bandwidth can indeed oscillate at arbitrarily high
frequencies, over arbitrarily long intervals. This work
addresses the matter from a different angle, emphasizing scale
and discussing the following question: can an arbitrarily
narrow pulse be constructed by linearly combining arbitrarily
wider pulses? The connection with superoscillations and
approximation theory is also discussed.
A simple method is described for constructing functions
that superoscillate at an arbitrarily chosen wavelength scale.
Our method is based on the technique of oversampled signal
reconstruction. This allows us to explicitly demonstrate that
the observed fragility of superoscillating wave functions is
indeed mathematically closely connected to what in the
communication theory community is known as the instability of
oversampled signal reconstruction, confirming a previous
conjecture. This is of potential interest, for example,
concerning the understanding of the practical difficulties in
experimentally producing superoscillatory wave functions.
For any fixed bandwidth there exist finite energy signals
that oscillate arbitrarily fast over arbitrarily long time
intervals. These localized fast transients or superoscillations
can only occur in signals which possess amplitudes of widely
different scales. This paper investigates the required
dynamical range and energy (squared L_2 norm) as a function of
the superoscillation's frequency, number, and maximum
derivative. It briefly discusses some of the implications of
superoscillating signals, in reference to information theory
and time-frequency analysis, for example. It shows, among other
things, that the required energy grows exponentially with the
number of superoscillations, and polynomially with the
reciprocal of the bandwidth or the reciprocal of the
superoscillations' period.
It has been found that differentiable functions can
locally oscillate on length scales that are much smaller than
the smallest wave length contained in their Fourier spectrum.
This phenomenon has been called superoscillation. Here, we
consider the case of superoscillations in quantum mechanical
wave functions. We find that superoscillations in wave
functions lead to unusual phenomena that are of measurement
theoretic, thermodynamic and information theoretic interest.
For any fixed bandwidth, there are finite energy signals which oscillate arbitrarily fast on arbitrarily long, finite time intervals. This paper investigates such signals, and their implications in reference to the transmission of information through low bandwidth channels.