Nonlinear systems
The papers in this section deal with nonlinear systems or equations and their fixed points. The section Sorting and the analog median filter contains more material on nonlinear systems, but pertaining to median filters and related subjects.
The response of a homogeneous time-invariant system to an
exponential input is a similar exponential output. I noticed
this when teaching Matemática Aplicada (Applied
Mathematics) years ago, as a consequence of the approach that I
use to introduce Fourier analysis to the engineering students.
Basically, I try to show that exponentials are eigenfunctions
of linear time-invariant systems, and then look for orthonormal
sets of exponentials. I found several arguments that suggest
that linear time-invariant systems have exponential
eigenfunctions, and that require just the axiomatic definition
of linearity (no integral or convolution representation is
involved; indeed, there are linear time-invariant systems that
have no convolution representations). The simplest argument
that I know of uses homogeneity and time-invariance only. Thus,
time-invariant systems have exponentials eigenfunctions.
In an interesting article (Homogeneous Time-Invariant Systems, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 6, n. 4, p. 76-77, Apr. 1999), Vaidyanathan established the invariance of exponentials for homogeneous time-invariant systems, noticed that the concepts of "impulse response" and "frequency response" are of little use for their analysis, and asked about more general classes of systems with exponential eigenfunctions.
This paper argues that the concepts of impulse and frequency response can be useless even for certain linear, time-invariant systems. It discusses the role of time-invariance, commuting linear systems, and conditions under which they have common eigenfunctions. Then it exhibits a class of nonlinear, nonhomogeneous, time-varying systems that still have exponential eigenfunctions. This class contains homogeneous time-invariant systems, FIR filters and generalized feed-forward filters as special cases. This clearly shows that the exponential eigenfunction property does not imply linearity, homogeneity, or time-invariance. This class has been enlarged in a subsequent paper (P. M. Q. Aguiar and F. M. Garcia, Systems with Exponential Eigenfunctions and Exponential-Input / Constant-Output Operators, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 7, n. 8, p. 219-220, Aug. 2000).
The set of fixed points of a nonexpansive operator is
either empty or closed and convex. Under rather general
conditions, this shows that the minimum norm solution of an
operator equation of the form x=Tx exists and is unique,
provided that T is nonexpansive. This holds in any
strictly convex Banach space, a class of spaces that includes
Hilbert spaces as particular cases. This has consequences in
signal and image reconstruction, as well as in other
engineering applications.
This is a tutorial on the basic fixed point theorems, which are often found in engineering applications. It discusses Banach's fixed point theorem, also known as the contraction mapping theorem, and Brouwer's theorem, which asserts that every continuous mapping of a closed finite dimensional ball into itself has a fixed point. The proof of Brouwer's theorem depends on a combinatorial lemma (Sperner's lemma). Another important fixed point theorem is Schauder's: any compact convex nonempty subset of a Banach space has the fixed point property.