Select a paper and notify the teaching staff of your interest. If the paper is available, you may take it. Prepare a presentation describing the context and challenges, main contributions, results and your critical analysis. In your analysis, identify what you consider the be the advantages and limitations of the concept, or of the results presented.
The presentation shall take at most 20 minutes.
- Using RBAC to Enforce the Principle of Least Privilege in Industrial Remote Maintenance Sessions
- A _qualitative Study on Usability and Acceptability of Yubico Security Key
- A Context-Driven Modelling Framework for Dynamic Authentication Decisions
- A User-Centric Identity Management Framework based on the W3C Verifiable Credentials and the FIDO Universal Authentication Framework
- AuthGuide - Analyzing Security, Privacy and Usability Trade-offs in Multi-Factor Authentication
- DID and VC - Untangling Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials for the Web of Trust
- Enhancing user authentication in claim-based identity management
- FIDO – that dog won’t hunt
- From Anonymity to Identification
- Future-proof Web Authentication - Bring Your Own FIDO2 Extensions
- Houdini’s Escape - Breaking the Resource Rein of Linux Control Groups
- Improved Identity Management with Verifiable Credentials and FIDO
- Is It Really You - User Identification Via Adaptive Behavior Fingerprinting
- Labels and Event Processes in the Asbestos Operating System
- Linux Capabilities - making them work
- Minimal Information Disclosure with Efficiently Verifiable Credentials
- Privacy Protection p-Sensitive k-Anonymity Property
- Providing K–Anonymity in Location Based Services
- RootAsRole - Towards a Secure Alternative to sudo or su Commands for Home Users and SME Administrators
- Security Analysis of eIDAS – The Cross-Country Authentication Scheme in Europe
- Should We Rush to Implement Password-less Single Factor FIDO2 based Authentication
- Smart Card Technology and the FIDO Protocols
- SmartAuth - Dynamic Context Fingerprinting for Continuous User Authentication