Dr. João Paulo Barraca acts as Associate Professor at the University of Aveiro, and researcher at Telecommunications Institute. Currently he is member of the Scientific Committee of the DETI Doctoral Program, member of the Executive Board of UNAVE. He researches in the areas of networking, software engineering and security. He participated in several research projects, either developing novel concepts, or applying these concepts in innovative products and solutions, involving the design of IoT systems, secure solutions for distributed software/communication systems.
Access my resumé .
PhD in Informatics Engineering, 2012
University of Aveiro
MEng in Electronics and Telecommunications, 2006
University of Aveiro
LEng in Computers and Telematics, 2004
University of Aveiro
Subject lectured to the 1st year of the Masters in Cybersecurity, regarding Identification, Authentication and Authorization approaches, tools and methodologies.
Subject lectured to the 1st year of the Masters in Cybersecurity, providing an entry into reverse engineering processes, tools and methodologies.
Subject lectured to the 1st year of the Masters in Cybersecurity, providing a view over the issue of vulnerability management, it’s assement, impact, and then exploration.
Disponibilizar e produzir orientações adaptadas às entidades, aconselhando-as na adoção das melhores
RIGOUROUS project aspires to identify and address the major cybersecurity, trust and privacy risks t
The SDRT Health solution aims to develop a new, more advanced antenna system, which will be supp
This project proposes to research and develop a solution to address the complex infrastructure
Substations (SS) are key to ensure the safety and reliability of the electrical grid, and theref
Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação O NETEDGE tem como objetivo
The CASSIOPEIA project investigates how open-standard/open-source technologies can be used to create
The vision of the 5Growth project is to empower verticals industries such as Industry 4.0, Transport
DOPPLER is a partnership between Portuguese and Mozambican institutions to foster ongoing collaborat
O projeto 24539 5G tem como principal objetivo permitir a conceção e validação integrada de um c
Reforçar a transferência de conhecimento científico e tecnológico para o setor empresarial O pri
This proposal sets up a capacitation and sustainability plan for a Green e-Science Infrastructure f
Design and specification of a distributed, European Science Data Centre (ESDC) to support the pan-E
Through the project Smart EnterCom the lead promotor – Finesource – seeks to build a strong part
Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma MEC (Mobile Edge Computing), em linha com as especificações do ETS
Coordination of activities focused in the development of novel NFV and SDN solutions.
Develop an M2M infrastructure and sensors, to be deployed at Herdade da Contenda, demonstrating the
For smart water grid, further development in water quality monitoring and grid management has to be
Open Charging as a Service. The project intends to develop a charging platform for Cloud based Serv
to develop a Cloud Service Broker capable of easing crucial lifecycle application stages (deployment
A investigação desenvolveu uma base tecnológica de suporte a novos serviços, na área das comunicaçõe
We propose to study how to build an all-wireless Internet that could grow and gradually replace the