documents have been submitted by their authors to scholarly
journals or conferences as indicated, for the purpose of
non-commercial dissemination of scientific work. The manuscripts
are put on-line to facilitate this purpose. These manuscripts
are copyrighted by the authors or the journals in which they
were published. You may copy a manuscript for scholarly,
non-commercial purposes, such as research or instruction,
provided that you agree to respect these copyrights.
Book Chapters and
Series |
A. L. Bajuelos, S. Canales, G. Hernández-Peñalver, A. M. Martins, I. Matos: “Some Results on Open Edge and Open Mobile Guarding of Polygons and Triangulations”, The Computer Journal (2014), doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxt151.
Keywords: Computational Geometry,
optimisation, Visibility and Covering
A. L. Bajuelos, S, Bereg, A. M. Martins: “Guarding Orthogonal Galleries with Rectangular Rooms”, The Computer Journal, (2013), doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxt089.
Keywords: Computational Geometry,
optimisation, Visibility and Covering, Orthogonal Shapes and Polygons
M. Abellanas, A. L. Bajuelos, S. Canales, M. Claverol, Gregorio Hernández, I. Matos: “Connecting Red Cells in a Bicolour Voronoi Diagram”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7579, pp 210-219, (2012).
Keywords: Computational Geometry,
optimisation, Voroni Diagram
A. L. Bajuelos, S. Canales, G. Hernández, A. M. Martins: “A Hybrid Metaheuristic Strategy for Covering with Wireless Devices”. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 18, Issue 14, pp. 1906-1932, (2012).
Keywords: Computational Geometry,
optimisation, Visibility and Covering, Metaheuristics, Wireless devices
M. Abellanas, A.L. Bajuelos and I. Matos: “Minimizing the Range for k-Covered Paths on Sensor Networks”. The Computer Journal, Volume 55, Issue 1, pp: 69-81, (2012).
Keywords: Computational Geometry,
optimisation, Visibility and Covering, Sensor networks
M. Abellanas, A.L. Bajuelos,
F. Hurtado and I. Matos: “Coverage restricted to an angle”,
Operations Research Letters, Vol 39, Issue 5, July 2011, pp
Keywords: Computational Geometry,
Geometric optimisation,
Multiple coverage, Voronoi diagrams, Sensor networks
Abellanas M, Bajuelos A. L.,
Matos I., “Optimal 2-Coverage of a Polygonal Region in a Sensor
Network”. Algorithms, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 1137-1154 (2009).
Keywords: Computational Geometry, ad-hoc sensor networks,
safe routes, voronoi diagrams
Abellanas M., Bajuelos A.L.,
Matos I.: “2-Covered Paths by a Set of Antennas with Minimum
Power Transmission Range", in Information Processing Letters (IPL) Journal,
Vol 109, Issue 4, pp. 768-773, ISSN: 0020-0190 (2009).
Abellanas M., Bajuelos A.L.,
Hernández G., Matos I., Palop B.: “Embracing Voronoi Diagram and
Closest Embracing Number", Journal of
Mathematical Sciences,
Vol. 161, Nº 6, pp. 909-918 (2009). |
Bajuelos A, L., Canales S.,
Hernández G., Martins A. M.: “Optimizing the Minimum Vertex
Guard Set on Simple Polygons via a Genetic Algorithm”, in WSEAS
Transactions in Information Science and Applications, Vol 5,
Issue 11, pp. 1584-1596, ISSN: 1790-0832 (2008).
Keywords: Computational Geometry, Art Gallery Problem, Visibility and
Illumination, Genetic Algorithms |
Bajuelos A.L., Canales S.,
Hernández G., Martins A.M.: “Solving some Combinatorial Problems
in grid n-ogons”, International Journal of Mathematics and
Computers in Simulation, NAUN, Vol.1, Issue 2, (2007), pp
http://www.naun.org/journals/mcs/2007.htm |
Abellanas M., Bajuelos A. L.,
Matos I.: “Some Problems Related to Good Illumination”, in Proc. of 7th Annual International
Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications (CGA'07),
ICCSA 2007,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4705, Springer Berlag, (2007),
Chapter: pp 1 - 14.
Keywords: Computational Geometry, Visibility and
Illumination, Good Illumination, E-Voronoi Diagrams
Martins A. M., Bajuelos A, L.:
“Vertex Guards in a Subclass of Orthogonal Polygons”,
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security (IJCSNS),
Vol. 6, No. 9A, pp. 102-108, September 2006.
Keywords: Computational Geometry, Orthogonal Polygons,
Minimum Vertex Guard Problem
Martins A. M., Bajuelos A, L.:
“Guarding two Subclasses of Orthogonal Polygons”, Recent Progress
in Computational Sciences and Engineering Lecture Series on
Computational Series and Computational Sciences (LSCCS), Volume
7A, VSP/Brill, (2006), Chapter: pp 372-375.
Mafalda A.M, Bajuelos A. L.:
“Characterizing and Covering Some Subclasses of Orthogonal
Polygons”, Computational Science – ICCS 2006: 6th International
Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3992,
Springer-Verlag, (2006), Chapter: pp 255-262.
Keywords: Computational Geometry, Orthogonal Polygons,
Minimum Vertex Guard Problem |
Tomás A. P., Bajuelos A. L.:
“Generating Random Orthogonal Polygons”, Current Topics in
Artificial Intelligence: 10th Conf. of the Spanish Association for
Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2003, and 5th Conference on
Technology Transfer, TTIA 2003. Revised Selected Papers, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3040, Springer-Verlag, (2004),
Chapter: pp 364-373.
Keywords: Computational Geometry, Orthogonal Polygons,
Polygon Generation, Polygon Partition
Tomás A. P., Bajuelos A. L.:
“Quadratic-Time Linear-Space Algorithms for Generation Orthogonal
Polygons with a Given Number of Vertices”, Proceedings of ICCSA
2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3045, Springer-Verlag,
(2004), Chapter: pp 117-126.
Computational Geometry, Orthogonal Polygons, Polygon Generation,
Polygon Partition
Bajuelos A. L., Tomás, A. P.,
Marques F.: Partitioning Orthogonal Polygons by Extension of All
Edges Incident to Reflex Vertices: lower and upper bounds on the
number of pieces, LNCS 3045, Springer-Verlag, pp 127-136, (2004).
Keywords: Computational Geometry, Orthogonal Polygons,
Polygon Partition
Tomás A. P., Bajuelos A. L.,
Marques F.: “Approximation Algorithms to Minimum Vertex Cover
Problems on Polygons and Terrains”, Proceedings of ICCS 2003,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2657, Springer-Verlag,
(2003), Chapter: pp 869-878.
Keywords: Computational Geometry, Art Gallery Theorem,
Orthogonal Polygons, Vertex cover Problem, Approximation
R.M., Breda, A.M., Castillo, G. and Bajuelos, A. L.: “A
Methodology for Developing Adaptive Educational-Game
Environments”. In: Adaptive
Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems.
Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) 2347, Springer-Verlag, (2002), Chapter: pp 90-99.
Keywords: Computer Games, Adaptive Systems, Educational
Referred Conference
Bajuelos A.L, Martins A.M.,
Canales S., Hernández G.: “Metaheuristic Approaches for the
Minimum Vertex Guard Problem”, IEEE Computer Society, in The
Third IEEE International Conference on Advanced Engineering
Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP 2009), DOI
10.1109/ADVCOMP.2009.19, (2009), pp. 77-82.
M. Abellanas, A.L. Bajuelos,
I. Matos, Safe Routes on a Street Graph with Minimum Power
Transmission Range, Proceedings of the 25th European Workshop on
Computational Geometry, 2009, pp. 85-88. |
Bajuelos A, L., Canales S.,
Hernández G., Martins A. M.: “Minimum Vertex Guard problem for
orthogonal polygons: a genetic approach”, In Proceedings of 10th
WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods,
Computational Techniques and Intelligent Systems (MAMECTIS’08),
pp. 78-84, ISBN: 978-960-474-012-3, ISSN: 1790-2769 (2008).
Keywords: Computational Geometry, Visibility and
Illumination Problems, Approximation Algorithms, Genetic
Algorithms, Meta-heuristics.
Bajuelos A., Canales S.,
Hernández G., Martins A. M.: “Estimating the Maximum Hidden
Vertex Set in Polygons”,
International Conference on Computational Sciences and Its
Applications (ICCSA 2008), pp. 421-432, IEEE-CS Press, Perugia,
Italy, (2008).
Keywords: Computational Geometry, Visibility and
Illumination, Approximation Algorithms, Hidden Set,
Tomás A. P., Bajuelos A. L.,
Marques F.: “On Visibility Problems in the Plane – Solving Minimum
Vertex Guard Problems by Successive Approximations”, in on-line
Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Florida,
http://anytime.cs.umass.edu/aimath06/, (2006). |
Abellanas M., Bajuelos A.,
Hernandez G., Matos I. and Belen Palop.: “Minimum Illumination
Range Voronoi Diagrams”, in Proc. of 2nd International Symposium
on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (VD2005), Seoul,
Korea, (2005). pp. 317-324
Abellanas M. Bajuelos A.L.,
Hernández G., Matos I.: “Good Illumination with Limited
Visibility”, Simos, Theodore S. (ed.) et al., ICNAAM 2005.
International conference on numerical analysis and applied
mathematics 2005. Official conference of the European Society of
Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ESCMSE),
Rhodes, Greek, September 16-20, 2005. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. pp. 35-38
Keywords: Computational Geometry, Visibility and
Illumination, Good Illumination
Castillo G., Breda A.M.,
Bajuelos A. L.: “Transforming a Web-based courseware in geometry
into an adaptive course”, in Proc. of 6th World Multiconference on
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. II, (2002), pp. 459-464.
Bajuelos A. L., Breda A.M.,
Castillo G.: “An XML-based interactive question generator for an
adaptive learning environment”, in Proc. of 6th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol.
II, (2002), pp. 430-435.
R. M. Carro, A.M. Breda, G.
Castillo, A.L. Bajuelos: “Generation of Adaptive Educative
Games”, in Proc of the Third International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction. ISBN 84-607-4501-5, Granada, (2002),
pp. 164-171 (in spanish). |
A. M. Breda, A. L. Bajuelos,
J. Madeira, J. Azevedo, R. Menezes e E. Silva, “Geometrix- Tool to
help the Learning Process in Geometry”, in Proc. of the IASTED,
International Conference: Computer and advance Technology in
Education (CATE 2000), May 24-27, (2000), Cancun, Mexico, pp. 54-58.
Conference Papers |
Bajuelos A., Canales S., Hernández G., Martins A. M.: “Escondiendo
puntos en espirales e histogramas” (in spanish), in
Proc. of VI Jornadas de Matemática Discretas, LLeida, Spain,
(2008), pp. 85-93, ISBN: 978-84-8409-263-6.
Abellanas M., Bajuelos A. and Matos I.: “Variations of Good
Illumination”, in Proc. of XII Spanish Workshop on Computational
Geometry, Valladolid, Spain, (2007), pp.265-272.
Bajuelos A., Canales S., Hernández G.: “Some Problems Related to
grid n-ogons”, in Proc. of XII Spanish Workshop on Computational
Geometry, Valladolid, Spain, (2007).
Abellanas M. Bajuelos A.L., Hernández G., Matos I.: “Good
Illumination of Points and Line Segments with Limited Range
Lights”, in Proc. of 11th Spanish Conference on Computational
Geometry (XI EGC)", Santander, June, (2005).
pp.. 31-238
Bajuelos A. L., Tomás, A. P., Marques F.: “Partitioning Orthogonal
Polygons by Extension of All Edges Incident to Reflex Vertices:
lower and upper bounds on the number of pieces” (short version),
in Proc of the 20th European Workshop on Computational Geometry,
Seville, Spain, March, (2004), pp. 193-196.
A. P., Bajuelos A. L.: “Quadratic-Time Linear-Space Algorithms for
Generation Orthogonal Polygons with a Given Number of Vertices”
(short version), in Proc. of the 20th European Workshop on
Computational Geometry, Seville, Spain, (2004), pp. 189-192.
P. Tomás, A.L. Bajuelos , F. Marques: “Approximation Algorithms to
Minimum Vertex Guard Problems on Polygons”, in Proc. of 10th
Spanish Conference on Computational Geometry (X EGC),
Seville, Spain, ISBN: 84-607-7997-1, (2003), pp. 207-212.
A. M. Breda, A L. Bajuelos, G.
Castillo, M. Lópes: “Computational Math Games versus Learning”, in
Proc of the International Conference in New Technologies in
Science Education, Aveiro, (2001), Vol. I, pp. 311-319.
A. L. Bajuelos, A.M. Breda, G.
Castillo, A. Figueiredo, F. Marques: “Knowledge Formalization for
a Learning Environment in Geometry”, in Proc of the International
Conference in New Technologies in Science Education, Aveiro,
(2001), Vol. I, pp. 321-327.
G. Castillo, A.M. Breda, A.L.
Bajuelos: “Towards a Prototype of a User Model for an Adaptive
Courseware in Geometry”, in Proc of the International Conference
in New Technologies in Science Education, Aveiro, (2001), Vol. I,
pp. 299-309.
A.M. Breda, A.L. Bajuelos, G.
Castillo: “Project Geometrix”, in Proc. of the International
Workshop Electronic Media in Mathematics, Coimbra, (2001), digital version.
Ana M. Breda, G. Castillo, A.L.
Bajuelos: “A Web-based Courseware in Plane Geometry”, in Proc. of
the International Workshop Electronic Media in Mathematics,
Coimbra, (2001), digital version.
A. M.
Breda, A.L. Bajuelos, J. Madeira, J. Azevedo, M. E. Silva: “Geometrix”,
in Proc. of 1st Simpósio Ibérico de Informática Educativa,
Universidade de Aveiro, Setembro, (1999), digital version.
Barrera J., Bajuelos A.L.: “Interfaces TELEX and SWIFT for SYSCOM-
NBC”, in Proc. of XX Reunión de Sistematización de Bancos
Centrales Americanos e Ibéricos, CEMLA- Centre for Latin American
Monetary Studies, La Habana, Cuba, December, (1991), (in spanish).
Papers in National Jounals |
Bajuelos A. L.: “TELEX Interface for Personal Computers”, Magazine
Ciencias de la Computación (edited for the Instituto de
Documentación e Información Científica y Técnica (IDICT) and the
Sociedad Cubana de Información Científica y Técnica (SOCICT)), La
Habana, Cuba, Fevereiro de 1992, (in spanish).
Bajuelos Antonio L., Ramon Casanova Luis,
Graphical system for the design of irregular
Revista CID, Cuba, No.17, 1988, pp. 34-37 (in spanish). |
Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research (JINR) comunications (in russian) |
Bajuelos A.L, Mazepa E.Yu, Fariseev V.Ya.,
Environments and E-Mail Services for the local area network
JINET: Users Interface",
JINR, Dubna, Russia, 1990, P11-90-408.
Bajuelos A.L, "File-Transfer Environments and E-Mail Services
for the local area network JINET: File and Communication Server",
JINR, Dubna, Russia, 1990, P11-90-442.
Bajuelos A.L,
"File-Transfer Environments and E-Mail Services for the local
area network JINET: Administrators Tools",
JINR, Dubna, Russia, 1990, B1-11-90-462.
Bajuelos A.L, Mazepa E.Yu, Fariseev V.Ya., "File-Transfer
Environments and E-Mail Service for the local area network JINET:
Transfers Protocol", JINR, Dubna, Russia, 1990, B1-11-90-492.
Bajuelos A.L, "File-Transfer Environments and E-Mail Services
for the local area network JINET”, extended abstract of the PhD
These, JINR, Dubna, Russia, 1990, 11-90-516.
Bajuelos A.L.,
"Graphical Interface for the VSLI design in output
devices compatible with Watanabe MP-1000, Minsk-2005V and Admap
JINR, Dubna, Russia, 1988, P11-88-794.
Patents/Copyrighted Software |
Software coordinator of the
math-game “Ecotoons”
(commercial product). University of Aveiro, December 2003.
Depósito Legal: 202506/03, ISBN: 972-712-317-1
Book (Editor) |
A. M. Breda, A. L.
Bajuelos, D. Catalano (editors); Proceedings of the International Conference
in New Technologies in Science Education, Vol. I , II, CINTEC,
Portugal, 2002, ISBN: 972-789-028-8.
Dissertations (MSc
and PhD) |
Bajuelos A. L.: “Using LP -
software package for Optimal Cutting Problem”, Faculty of Mathematics and
Mechanics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, June, 1984 (in russian).
Bajuelos A. L.:
“Methodology, Communications Protocols and Algorithm Utility
Library for Developing File-Transfer Environments and E-Mail
Services for Local Area Network” (original em russo),
Ph.D. thesis, Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia, December,
1990 (in russian).
Research Reports/Working Papers |
A. M. Martins, A. L. Bajuelos:
“Guarding Orthogonal Polygons: Min-Area grid n-ogons”, Cadernos de
Matemática, CM05/I-43, Outubro 2005, Universidade de Aveiro.
N. Martins, A. L. Bajuelos:
“Uma Classificação de Polígonos Simples”, Cadernos de Matemática,
CM05/I-53, Dezembro 2005, Universidade de Aveiro.
A.L.Bajuelos, A.M. Breda, M.Prieto, A.Vizcaini, G.Castillo, A.Figueiredo:
Knowledge Formalization for Computer Aided Mathematics Learning,
Cadernos de Matemática, CM01/ I-0,
Janeiro 2001, Universidade de Aveiro.
A. L.
Bajuelos, A. M.Breda, An Application of Formal Specification
Methods for Some Geometric Classes, Cadernos de Matemática
CM00/I-04, March 2000, Universidade de Aveiro. |