Current members

José R. B. Gomes    

José obtained his Ph.D. in 2000, University of Porto, and was a post-doc researcher at the Universities of Barcelona (2000-2001) and Porto (2001-2007). He is a researcher (Eq. Inv. Princ.) at CICECO, University of Aveiro. José got two prizes at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto (Teresa da Fonseca,1995, and Mendonça Monteiro, 1994) and was awarded the 2010 Vicente de Seabra Medal by the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ).

Tiago L. P. Galvão    

Tiago got his Licenciatura (2007), M.Sc. (2009) and Ph.D. (2013) degrees in Chemistry at the University of Porto. Tiago is using computational approaches to understand the molecular properties of corrosion inhibitors in the framework of the projects Nanobarrier and DataCor, in collaboration with the experimental group of Dr. João Tedim, also at CICECO-UA.

Gerard Novell-Leruth    

Gerard was a post-doctoral fellow in the framework of project SELMA and since April 2019 is a junior researcher associated to the project DataCor, led by Tiago.

Daniel Gouveia    

Daniel obtained his Ph.D. in Physics in 2017 at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. In the same year, he was awarded with a post-doc grant from the Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication (i3N) to join the NATO project E-SiCure. Daniel joined the group in 2019 as a junior researcher in the framework of project SILVIA. He is now working on coarse-grained molecular dynamics of the synthesis of periodic mesoporous organosilicas.

Bruno Zêzere    

Bruno has got a Ph.D. grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and joined the group in 2019. He will be working on the computer simulation of diffusivities of bioactive compounds in supercritical fluids and liquids, in close collaboration with the group of Prof. Carlos Silva (Ph.D. supervisor) also at CICECO - UA.

Marta Bordonhos    

Marta joined the group in 2020. Marta is working on DFT and GCMC simulations of gas adsorption in porous materials as part of her Ph.D. project, which is being developed in close collaboration with the group of Prof. Moisés Pinto at CERENA (IST, U. Lisboa).

José Manuel Pereira    

José Manuel Pereira is a Biochemistry PhD student at CICECO since 2018, having finished his Master’s on Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology at the University of Aveiro. He participated in the Board of European Students of Technology 2017 Winter Course, in Paris, France, was awarded a Fulbright scholarship for a 4-month student exchange at Rutgers University, NJ, USA, and won the TOP3 award at European Innovation Academy 2021 for his work on ProtoSyn, the focus of his PhD thesis.


Luciana Tomé (BPD)
JAP Coutinho's group
Raquel Vaz (BD)
CM Silva's group
Christopher Campbell (BD)
M Jorge's group
Inês Martins (BD)
MT Duarte's group
Nicolas Schaeffer (BPD)
JAP Coutinho's group

Previous members

Tiago M. N. Marques (BI)
Went MD Management Inc
Ryusuke Futamura (BI)
Went Research Center for Exotic Nanocarbons
Nuno Miguel Santos (BI)
Went KU Leuven
Vera L. S. Freitas (BD)
Went FCUP, U Porto
Carlos Rezende (BI)
Went U Federal Fluminense
Jordi Toda Calderón (BI)
Went ITQ-UPV, Valencia
Renjith S. Pillai (BPD)
Went U Montpellier
Marta L. S. Batista (BD)
Went Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação
Gerard Novell-Leruth (BPD)
Went LCT, U Gent
Mário César Santos (BI)
Went U Coimbra
Cátia Teixeira (BPD)
Went U Porto
Mirtha Lourenço (BD)
Went IIT (Turin)
Germán P. Sánchez (BPD)
Went U Aveiro/Path
Luís Fajín (BPD)
Went U Porto
Rui V. Afonso (BPD)
Mannon Wilheim
André Carvalho