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Manuel A. Martins
(Associate Professor)

Department of Mathematics
Campus Universitário de Santiago
University of Aveiro
3810 - 193 Aveiro - Portugal

(tel) 351 234 370677
(fax) 351 234 382014
(email) martins_at_ua_dot_pt

Scopus Author ID: 55919842500
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5109-8066
DBLP: Manuel A. Martins


I graduated in Mathematics at University of Aveiro in 1994 where I got a MSc in Mathematics in 1998 with the thesis Amalgamation in Logic . I got my PhD in Mathematics (Algebra, Logic and Foundations) from the University of Lisbon in 2004 with the thesis Behavioral Reasoning in Generalized Hidden Logics, under supervision of Don Pigozzi and Isabel Ferreirim.

Research topics

  • Modal logic and extensions.
  • Algebraic logic.
  • Algebraic specification.
  • Type Theory
  • Formal Methods.


    KLEE - Coalgebraic Modeling and Analysis for Computational Synthetic Biology. IR: Luís S. Barbosa; co-IR: Manuel A. Martins. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030947 [07/2018--06/2021]

    LTSB - Logical Tools for Systems Biology. I am the Portuguese part coordinator of this project funded by FCT, Programa PESSOA, with French partner Madalena Chaves at INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée [2018 -2019]

    Intensionality as a unifier: Logic, Language and Philosophy. IR: María Manzano. University of Salamanca. Spain. FFI2017-82554-P [2018-2019]

    DaLí - Dynamic Logics for cyber-physical systems: towards contract based design. IR: Alexandre Madeira. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016692 [07/2016--06/2019]

    Past Projects

    GetFun - Generalizing Truth-Functionality - International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) FP7-PEOPLE-2012- IRSES, Grant agreement number 318986. [01/2013--12/2016]

    Hybrid intensional Logic. Principal investigator: María Manzano, University of Salamanca. Spain. FFI2013-47126-P [2014-2016]

    NASONI - Heterogenous software coordination: Foundations, methods, tools. PTDC/EEICTP/2341/2012 [06/2013--05/2015]

    Mondrian - Foundations for architectural design: Service certification, dynamic reconfiguration and self-adaptability (Fundamentos para arquitecturas de serviços: certificação, reconfiguração dinámica e auto-adaptabilidade) PTDC/EIA-CCO/108302/2008 [03/2010--03/2013]

    Completeness Notions. Principal investigator: María Manzano, University of Salamanca. Spain. FFI2009-09345 [2010-2012]

    KLog: Kleistic Logic (KLog: Lógica para Segurança). PTDC/MAT/68723/2006 [08/2007--08/2010]

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    CiE 2025 - Computability in Europe. Lisbon-Portugal, 14-18 July, 2025. (member of the organizing committee)

    ReacTS'24 - International Workshop on Reconfigurable Transition Systems: Semantics, Logics and Applications. Aveiro-Portugal, 5 November, 2024. (Co-Chair)

    SEFM'24 - 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods. Aveiro-Portugal, 4-8 November, 2024. (member of the program committee)

    WADT'24 - 26th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques. Enschede, Netherlands, 8-12 July, 2024. (member of the program committee)

    NCL'24 - NCL'24: Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications 2024. Lodz, 5-8 September 2024. (member of the program committee)

    World Logic Day in Aveiro. Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro, Jan 12, 2024 (Part of WORLD LOGIC DAY of UNESCO) (member of the organizing committee)

    TQC 2023 - 18th Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography Conference . Aveiro-Portugal, 24-28 July, 2023 (member of the Local Organising Committee)

    DaLí 2023 - Dynamic Logic: New Trends and Applications Tbilisi, Georgia; 15-16 September, 2023 (member of the Steering Committee)

    TTL 2023 - V International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic. Madrid, March 23-24, 2023 (member of the program committee)

    World Logic Day in Aveiro. Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro, Jan 17, 2023 (Part of WORLD LOGIC DAY of UNESCO) (member of the organizing committee)

    Thematic Session: Mathematical Logic , Joint meeting Brasil-Portugal in Mathematics, Salvador, Bahia, August 18 - 19, 2022 (member of the organizing committee)

    DaLí 2022 - Dynamic Logic: New Trends and Applications (Online) July 31 - Aug. 1, 2022 (member of the program committee)

    WADT'22 - 26th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques. Aveiro-Portugal, June 28-30, 2022. (Co-Chair)

    NCL'22 - NCL'22: Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications 2022. Lodz, 14-18 March 2022. (member of the program committee)

    Past Events
    World Logic Day in Aveiro. Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro, Jan 14, 2022 (Part of WORLD LOGIC DAY of UNESCO) (member of the organizing committee)

    CALCO2021 - 9th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science. August 31 – September 3 2021. (member of the program committee)

    3rd DaLí Workshop - Dynamic Logic: new trends and applications. Prague, 9-10 October 2020. (Co-Chair)

    SBLP'19 - Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (member of the program committee)

    2nd DaLí Workshop - Dynamic Logic: new trends and applications. Porto, 9 October, 2019. (member of the program committee)
    Meeting on Fuzzy Reasoning, 1ST WORLD LOGIC DAY in Aveiro, 14th Jan, 2019, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro

    MLCSB18 - International Symposium on Molecular Logic and Computational Synthetic Biology. Santiago Chile, Dec. 17-18 , 2018 (Chair)

    SBLP'18 - Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (member of the program committee)

    DiL'18 - Days in Logic, Uni. Aveiro, Portugal, Jan 25-27, 2018. (member of the organizing committee)

    IL'17 - Workshop on Intensional Logic, Uni. Salamanca, Nov. 10-11, 2017 (member of the organizing committee)

    DALí - Dynamic Logic: new trends and applications. Brasília, September 23-24, 2017. (member of the program committee)

    AlCoB 2017 - 4th International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology, Uni. Aveiro, Portugal, June 5-7, 2017. (member of the organizing committee)

    SBLP'17 - Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (member of the program committee)

    ML'17 - Forth Workshop on Molecular Logic (co-allocated with the conference AlCoB17), Uni. Aveiro, Portugal, June 6, 2017. (member of the organizing committee).

    SBLP'16 - Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (member of the program committee)

    GeTFun 4.0- Compositional Meaning in Logic (member of the organizing committee) Affiliated with 8th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR2016)

    SBLP'15 - Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (member of the program committee)

    TTL 2015 - Fourth International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic (member of the program committee)

    CIDMA'14 - Second Annual Meeting of the Center for Research & Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA)(member of the organizing committee)

    SBLP'14 - Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (member of the program committee)

    CIDMA'13 - First Annual Meeting of the Center for Research & Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA) (member of the organizing committee)

    Logic Colloquium 2013- 22-27 July 2013, Evora, Portugal (member of the organizing committee)

    SBLP'13 - Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (member of the program committee)

    SBLP'12 - Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (member of the program committee)

    MONDRIAN'12 - Third Workshop on Project Mondrian (member of the organizing committee)

    MONDRIAN'11 - Second Workshop on Project Mondrian (member of the organizing committee)

    MONDRIAN'10 - First Workshop on Project Mondrian (member of the organizing committee)

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