The SDC1 dataset was released on the 25th of November 2019 and it is available on the SKA astronomers website ska-science-data-challenge-1/. It consists of 9 image files, in FITS format. Each file is a simulated SKA continuum image in total intensity at 3 frequencies: (i) 560MHz, representative of SKA Mid Band 1 (ii) 1.4GHz, representative of SKA Mid Band 2 (iii) 9.2GHz, representative of SKA Mid Band 5 Furthermore, 3 telescope integration depths per frequency are provided: (i) 8h, representative of a single-track observation (ii) 100h, representative of a medium-depth integration (iii) 1000h, representative of a deep integration The SKA community was invited to retrieve the SDC1 images and undertake source finding, source classification and characterization. The results submitted should be catalogues of detected sources, containing: (i) Source coordinates (RA, Dec) to locate the centroids and where appropriate the core positions (ii) integrated primary-beam corrected flux density (iii) core fraction (it is different from zero only for AGN) (iv) major and minor axis size (v) major axis position angle (vi) Source population identification (one of AGN-steep, AGN-flat, SFG)