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Barreto, S., Ferreira, C., Paixão, J., Sousa Santos, B., Using clustering analysis in a capacitated location-routing problem , European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 179, Issue 3, 16 June 2007, Pages 968–977.
Sérgio dos Santos Barreto (2004) Análise e Modelização de Problemas de Localização-Distribuição, PhD Thesis.
FilesIn 2000, when I started more deeply study the LRP, I found that there were not a number of instances on which I could develop my work. I then decided to collect in the literature a set of known data and adapt them, thus building a battery of LRP instances that has been used as a base of work in many studies. This set of benchmark instances provide a standard format for data LRP, have been a working basis for numerous stakeholders since then, has contributed to challenge stakeholders and promote a healthy competition in searching for more efficient LRP algorimos. To access the files click the next button
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