Group Assignment 2 - CTF Challenge


This assignment will consist in the development of a challenge for a CTF. Students should select a category from web or pwn, and develop a small program which can be used as a challenge. The challenge should be constructed around a vulnerability, clearly categorized according to a CWE and, if possible, with the proposal of a CVSS.

The challenge should be enclosed in a Docker container so that it can be replicated in another system. Then, the students should demonstrate how the vulnerability is explored.

The assignment should be implemented by a group of two students.

Delivery and Grading

Delivery should consist of a compressed (ZIP, TGZ) file submitted through MS Teams, including:

  • Information regarding the challenge and the vulnerability presented;
  • The files required to build a docker container with the challenge;
  • The solution to the challenge (writeup);
  • Screenshots of you solving it.

Grading will take in consideration the challenge execution and the writeup provided.

All materials submitted must be your own. Using materials from other sources without reference will be considered as plagiarism.
