Why names are slightly different?
My correct name written in Russian (i.e. in cyrillic alphabet) is Валерий Скляров.
My first publication, where the name was written in Roman alphabet, appeared in 1974 and from the point of view of pronunciation it sounds better as Valery Sklyarov
In all my publications this name is the same, i.e. Valery Sklyarov
When I got passport for international travels the name was written as Valeri Skliarov, i.e. the letter i was used instead of y. At that time (about 40 years ago) in the former USSR it was actually impossible (or at least unreasonable) to provide any change in official documents
Gradually the spelling Valeri Skliarov has been written in all my documents
Thus, please consider the spelling Valeri
Skliarov as my only correct name and the spelling
Valery Sklyarov as my only name used to
indicate myself as the author in my publications
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