Paula Cerejeiras


Paula Cerejeiras is Associate Professor at the Mathematical Department of the University of Aveiro and  member of CIDMA - Center for Research & Development in Mathematics and Applications.

Her research interests are in Clifford analysis, Radon transforms, integral geometry, harmonic analysis and inverse problems. Her current interests includes group representation theory and its connections with wavelets, development of discrete function theories in relation to Witt basis and parabolic Dirac operators, as well as the associated inverse problems.

She has more than 70 publications, among them papers in such journals as Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis and in Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis. She has up to now supervised 5 PhD students and has coordinated and participated in several international projects. 

MatLab program for calculating fractional monogenic polynomials -

MatLab program for calculating fractional monogenic polynomials (ternary case)   

Associate Professor

University of Aveiro

2015 © Cerejeiras, actualized August, 2020  



Departamento de Matemática

Universidade de Aveiro

Campus de Santiago

P-3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal

Office: 27.3.6 

Telephone: (+351) 234370686         Internal: 23476 

Fax: (+351) 234370066                                           

Email: pceres(at)