Evgeny Lakshtanov
Children Education

Is it difficult to organize an Acoustic Laboratory at home?

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Do you live with a "hero's wife"? I have tried and still married! Check your "high frequency" ideas in scattering using 15-19 kHz. I did so and I am still mariied!

Now I know the reason why low frequency papers are more often. Low frequencies are more appropriate when you work at home. Modes can be controlled but the equipment should be well scaled and the number of microphones should be proportional to the number of modes.

In home use the following relation: WAVE NUMBER (1/m) = 0.02 X FREQUENCY (Hz)

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Arxiv E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, A priori estimates for high frequency scattering by obstacles of arbitrary shape, Comm. Part. Diff. Eq. 37, pp.1789-1804, 2012.

Arxiv E.Lakshtanov, B.Sleeman, B.Vainberg, High frequency scattering with impedance b.c. on classically invisible body, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72, pp. 646-669, 2012.

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