
  • Cloud Thinking
  • Funding entity: QREN MaisCentro
    Period: Feb.2013 - Dec.2014
    Role: PI

    The projects’ ambition is the creation of a new set of solutions based in novel ICT technologies, developing a concept that encompasses the synergistic usage of cloud computing, with large database access and information retrieval, associated with advanced methods for reasoning and data mining (and with the basic scalable algorithms to support the dimensions of the data sets targeted).
    web site

  • EMIF European Medical Information Framework
  • Funding entity: IMI
    Period: Jan.2013 - Dec.2017
    Role: UAVR PI

    In recent years, the development and use of Electronic Healthcare Records (EHRs) throughout Europe has grown exponentially resulting in large volumes of clinical data. At the same time, large collections of disease‐specific data are recorded – in local, regional and/or national settings. This project combines the topic of generating a common patient health Information Framework (IF) with addressing the two Research Topics (RT’s) Obesity and its metabolic complications and Markers for the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias.
    web site

  • RD-CONNECT An integrated platform connecting registries, biobanks and clinical bioinformatics for rare disease research
  • Funding entity: FP7
    Period: Nov.2012 - Oct.2018
    Role: UAVR PI

    RD-Connect will develop a global infrastructure for sharing the research outputs of these and other rare disease projects, enabling scientists and clinicians worldwide to access a single centralized repository for omics data, phenotypic and biomaterial information. Every IRDiRC research project will be entitled to share its own data and access related data from other projects under policies agreed at a global level.
    web site

  • GEN2PHEN Genotype-To-Phenotype Databases: A Holistic Solution
  • Funding entity: FP7-Health (IP)
    Period: Jan.2008 - Jun.2013
    Role: UAVR PI

    The GEN2PHEN project has the overall ambition of unifying human and model organism genetic variation databases in such a way that the resulting holistic view of G2P data can be blended with all other biomedical database domains via one or more central genome browsers.
    web site

  • Query term expansion methodologies for improved biomedical literature retrieval
  • Funding entity: FCT PTDC/EIA-CCO/100541/2008
    Period: 2010-2013
    Role: Researcher

    The objective of this project is to develop a query expansion and document ranking method specially aimed at obtaining, from the MEDLINE database, a ranked list of publications that are most significant to a set of genes.

  • DICOM Services Over Peer-To-Peer Networks
  • Funding entity: FCT PTDC/EIA-EIA/104428/2008
    Period: 2010-2013
    Role: Researcher

    The overall goal is to instantiate a new network connectivity concept for medical imaging data and services at inter-institutional level. This will turn large volumes of clinical information and analytical tools, actually “locked” in clinical units, into shared repositories and high-quality collaborative environments for medical applications, education and research.

  • DECODING Large scale approaches to unravel genome decoding rules
  • Funding entity: PTDC/BIA- GEN/110383/2009
    Period: Jan. 2011 - Dec 2013
    Role: Researcher



  • Global climate change and pollution: a synergy designed for disaster?
  • Funding entity: PTDC/AAC- CLI/107916/2008
    Period: Apr. 2010 - Apr. 2013
    Role: Researcher

  • EU-ADR Early Detection of Adverse Drug Events by Integrative Mining of Clinical Records and Biomedical Knowledge
  • Funding entity: FP7-ICT (STREP)
    Period covered: Feb.2008 - Jul.2012
    Role: UAVR PI

    The overall objective of this project is the design, development and validation of a computerized system that exploits data from electronic healthcare records and biomedical databases for the early detection of adverse drug reactions.
    web site

  • CMU-UA CS UAveiro Activities Plan under the Computer Science sub area of the Information Processing and Networking focus area of the CMU-Portugal Program
  • Funding entity: CMU-Pt/0007/2007
    Period: Jan. 2007 - Dec 2011
    Role: PI

  • Implementation of a Nacional Facility for DNA Microarrays: Phase II
  • Funding entity: FCT (PTDC/BIA-BCM/64745/2006)
    Period: Jan. 2009 - Dec. 2011

  • Developing new tools for studying mRNA mistranslation
  • Funding entity: FCT (PTDC/BIA-BCM/72251/2006)
    Period: May 2008 - May 2011

  • New statistical methodologies for analysis DNA microarrays data
  • Funding entity: FCT (PTDC/MAT/72974/2006)
    Period: 2006-2008

    DNA Microarray technology is one of the most promising new technologies for global gene expression analysis. This technology is sophisticated, very expensive, highly interdisciplinary and produces vast amounts of data whose management and analysis pose significant challenges. This project aims to study new bi-clustering approaches that can help to obtain relevant information from gene expression microarrays.

  • mRNA mistranslation in yeast
  • Funding entity: HFSP Research Grant
    Period: 2005-2008

    In this project, software tools for data visualization and mathematical methodologies for identification of general rules governing RNA translation, and tools for mapping mRNA regions of high decoding error and for identifying putative gene expression regulatory sequences present in mRNAs, will be developed.

  • InfoBioMed Structuring European Biomedical Informatics to Support Individualised Healthcare
  • Funding entity: IST FP6 (NoE)
    Period: Jan.2004 - Jul.2007

    The INFOBIOMED network aims at setting a durable structure for the described collaborative approach at an European level, mobilising the critical mass and the resources necessary for enabling the collaborative approach that supports the consolidation of BMI as a crucial scientific discipline for future healthcare.

  • EuroNGI Structuring European Biomedical Informatics to Support Individualised Healthcare
  • Funding entity: IST FP6 (NoE)
    Period: Dec.2003 - Nov.2006

  • Daidalos Designing Advanced Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent Optimised personal Services
  • Funding entity: IST FP5 - IP
    Period: Nov.2003 - Nov.2006

    In this project, software tools for data visualization and mathematical methodologies for identification of general rules governing RNA translation, and tools for mapping mRNA regions of high decoding error and for identifying putative gene expression regulatory sequences present in mRNAs, will be developed.

  • Developing new tools for genome analysis
  • Funding entity: POCTI/BME/39030/2001
    Period: Sep.2002 - Sep.2005

  • Functional Proteomics in Candida albicans Developing an Integrated Database for the Management of Proteomics projects
  • Funding entity: POCTI-32942/99
    Period: Sep.2001 - Sep.2004

  • InfoGenMed A virtual laboratory for accessing and integrating genetic and medical information for health applications
  • Funding entity: IST FP5 (IST2001/39013)
    Period: Sep.2002 - Sep.2004

    INFOGENMED started in September 2002, (, and the functionalities already built in the system allow for: (1) defining clinical pathways to guide the user in the navigation of multiple sources over the Internet; (2) identifying and characterizing the most relevant databases to support the molecular medicine practice for selected rare genetic diseases; (3) designing the integration methods, based on virtual databases, mediators and semantic vocabulary servers.

  • UEM-LabComp Um Laboratório de Computação para a Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
  • Funding entity: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
    Period: 2000 - 2001

  • IST Integração Social por Teletrabalho
  • Funding entity: Aveiro Cidade Digital
    Period: May 1999 - July 2000

  • MEU Mobilidade no Espaço Urbano
  • Funding entity: Aveiro Cidade Digital
    Period: May 1999 - July 2000

  • Difference DIssemination and Facilitation For European REsearch iN selected Chains
  • Funding entity: ACTS (AC207)
    Period: June 1998 - Dec 1999

  • SIO Sistemas de Informação Organizacionais
  • Funding entity: PRAXIS XXI
    Period: July 1997 - July 1998

  • IBCoBN Integrated Broadband Communications on Broadcast Networks
  • Funding entity: ACTS
    Period: 1995 – 1998

  • EuriPACS EurIPACS - European Integrated Picture Archive and Communication Systems
  • Funding entity: PRAXIS XXI
    Period: 1992 – 1994

  • IGREF Implementação e Gestão de Redes FDDI
  • Funding entity: JNICT
    Period: 1991 – 1992

  • GRECO Gestão de Redes de Comunicação
  • Funding entity: JNICT
    Period: 1990 – 1993

  • Funding entity: Portugal TELECOM (CTT/TLP)
    Period: 1986 - 1990