

Research project



Publications proceedings

Prizes and awards

Research interests 

Scientific activities

Knowledge Transfer  


Links of Interest

research projects

n (2018– 2020) “DRIVIT-UP: DRIVIng forces of urban Transformation: assessing pUblic Policies”; founded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology / COMPETE

n (2016-2019) “SPLACH Spatial Planning for Change”; founded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology / COMPETE. Consorcium : CITTA, GOVCOPP e DINAMIA.

n (2016-2019) “Portugal: Integração Regional da Demografia e da Economia (P-RIDE)”, founded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology / COMPETE- PTDC/ATP-DEM/0441/2014.

n (2016-2017) “Future needs of human resources for health in Portugal”, founded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

n (2010-2013) Economically Sustainable DEMOgraphy - ReverSing Decline in Peripheral RegIoNs (DEMOSPIN)”; founded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CS-DEM/100530/2008).

n (2011-2013) Drivers Of housiNg demand in portuguese Urban sysTem (DONUT)”; founded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/AUR-AQI/100592/2008).

n (2009-2011) “Sustainable urban planning decision support accounting for urban metabolism (BRIGDE)”; founded by the European Commission.

n (2009-2011) “Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a local scale”; founded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/AUR/64086/2006).

n (2002-2005) “OIKOMATRIX II - Evaluation of the socio-economic impacts at regional level of legal tools to control the emission of greenhouse gases”; founded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (POCTI/MGS/41874/2001).

n (2002-2004) “Project ESPON 1.2.2 – Telecommunications Services and Networks: Territorial Trends and Basic Supply of Infrastructure for Territorial Cohesion”; Final Report of Project 1.2.2, elaborated by CURDS – University of Newcastle, CEIDET – University of Aveiro; Karelian Institute – University of Joensuu, Heriot Watt University.

n (2000-2002) “OIKOMATRIX - Evaluation of the socio-economical impact of legal tools to control the emission of green house gases”; founded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (POCTI/MGS/33592/99).



Resultado de imagem para universidade de aveiro

University of Aveiro

- Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences

João José

Lourenço Marques


Assistant Professor




Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences


University of Aveiro

3810-211 Aveiro


Tel.: 234 370 224

Ext. 24328

Skype: joaolm1


Email: jjmarques@ua.pt





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