Name and place
May, 12 - 16
Networks: Structure, Dynamics and Function, Santa-Fe,
June, 3-4
THINKCreative, small world and organizational forms
, Brussels, Belgium
June, 20
Oeiras mathemmatical and computational Biology workshop ,IGC, Oeiras
July, 14 - 16
"Encontros da Arrábida", Caminhos da Complexidade,
Convento da Arrabida
July, 17 - 19
Syncronization and Complex Dynamics in Networks,
Potsdam, Germany
September, 1 - 5
International conference in Networks, , Rome, Italy
September, 8 - 12
Frontier Science 2003: A Nonlinear World, the Real
World, Pavia, Italy
Sept., 21 - Oct. , 10
Nonequilibrium statistical physics in low
dimensions and reaction diffusion systems, MPIPKS-Dresden, Germany
Sept., 10
XXI Encontro Juvenil de Ciência, Colégio de
Gaia, Portugal
Oct.,6 - Oct. , 7
International Workshop on Complex Agent-based Dynamic Networks
, Oxford, UK
I Workshop on Physics & Biology, Aveiro
University, Aveiro, Portugal