• S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Evolution of networks,
    Adv. Phys. 51, 1079-1187 (2002); cond-mat/0106144.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes, and A.N. Samukhin,
    Modern architecture of random graphs: Constructions and correlations,

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes, and A.N. Samukhin,
    How to generate a random growing network,

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes, and A.N. Samukhin,
    How to construct a correlated net,

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Accelerated growth of networks,
    "Handbook of Graphs and Networks: From the Genome to the Internet", eds. S. Bornholdt and H.G. Schuster (Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2002), 320-343; cond-mat/0204102.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, A.V. Goltsev, and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Ising Model on Networks with an Arbitrary Distribution of Connections,
    Phys. Rev. E 66, 016104 1-5 (2002); cond-mat/0203227.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes, and A.N. Samukhin,
    Principles of Statistical Mechanics of Random Networks,

  • A.V. Goltsev, S.N. Dorogovtsev, and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Critical phenomena in networks,

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Comment on "Breakdown of the Internet under intentional attack",
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 219801 (2001); cond-mat/0109083.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, A.V. Goltsev, and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Pseudofractal Scale-free Web,
    Phys. Rev. E 65, 066122 1-4 (2002); cond-mat/0112143.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes, and A.N. Samukhin,
    Anomalous percolation properties of growing networks,
    Phys. Rev. E 64, 066110 1-11 (2001); cond-mat/0106141.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Giant strongly connected component of directed networks,
    Phys. Rev. E 64, 025101 (R) 1-4 (2001); cond-mat/0103629.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Language as an evolving Word Web,
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  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes, and A.N. Samukhin,
    Multifractal properties of growing networks,
    Europhys. Lett. 57, 334-340 (2002); cond-mat/0106142.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Scaling properties of scale-free evolving networks: Continuous approach,
    Phys. Rev. E 63, 056125 1-19 (2001); cond-mat/0012009.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes, and A.N. Samukhin,
    Growing network with heritable connectivity of nodes,

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes, and A.N. Samukhin,
    Generic scale of the "scale-free" growing networks (Size-dependent degree distribution of a scale-free growing network),
    Phys. Rev. E 63, 062101 1-4 (2001); cond-mat/0011115.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes, and A.N. Samukhin,
    WWW and Internet models from 1955 till our days and the "popularity is attractive" principle,

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Effect of the accelerating growth of communications networks on their structure,
    Phys. Rev. E 63, 025101 (R) 1-4 (2001); cond-mat/0009065.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Scaling behaviour of developing and decaying networks,
    Europhys. Lett. 52 (1) 33-39 (2000); cond-mat/0005050.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes, and A.N. Samukhin,
    Structure of growing networks with preferential linking,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 85 (21) 4633-4636 (2000); cond-mat/0004434.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Evolution of networks with aging of sites,
    Phys. Rev. E. 62 (2) 1842-1845 (2000); cond-mat/0001419.

  • S.N. Dorogovtsev and J.F.F. Mendes,
    Exactly solvable small-world network,
    Europhys. Lett. 50 (1) 1-7 (2000); cond-mat/9907445.