You can find below a short statement about my research.
My full CV (in pdf and in english) is [here].
You can also visit my [Web page in french].
Mathematical physics / Probability
Random walks and spins models on random graphs and networks.
Asymptotical behavior of first passage times.
Exit and hitting times of local equilibria.
Recursive scale-free graphs and trees.
Cut-off and escape behaviors for random walks.
Link between cut-off phenomenon and exit from metastability.
Cut-off and escape behavior for birth and death chains on trees. ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 8, 149-162 (2011).
Abrupt convergence and escape behavior for birth and death chains. (with J. Barrera and R. Fernández)
J. Stat. Phys. (2009) 137: 595-623. [SL]
or [arxiv] (Preprint version)
Cut-off and exit from metastability: Two sides of the same coin. (with J. Barrera and R. Fernández)
C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, Ser.I 346 (2008) 691-696. [EM] or
PhD Thesis:
Convergence abrupte et métastabilité. [TEL]
Université de Rouen (2007). Advisor: R. Fernández
NB: Papers can be downloaded by following the links. Note that [SL] (SpringerLink), [EM] (ElsevierMasson) and [SD] (ScienceDirect) are requiring subscriptions.