
Synthesis and Simulation of Reprogrammable Control Units from Hierarchical Specifications

Finite state machines (FSM) have been a topic of great importance in the last five decades and have been used to specify and implement control units. Due to the increasing complexity of control units and since the FSM model does not explicitly support hierarchy and concurrency, new state-based models with hierarchical and concurrent constructions were proposed in order to overcome the limitations of the conventional FSM model and allowing the specification of complex control units in a top-down manner. Still, there are not many hierarchical FSM architectures (HFSM) that have been proposed to implement those hierarchical specifications and most of them cannot be seen as a whole FSM implementing internally in an efficient way the switching between the different hierarchical levels of the machine, except for the HFSM with stack memory.

This thesis tackles the synthesis of FSMs from hierarchical specifications and proposes two HFSMs and a parallel hierarchical FSM (PHFSM) with stack memory that can provide such facilities as flexibility, extensibility and reusability. It also presents the synthesis methodology from hierarchical specifications to the generation of state transition tables that can be used to carry out the logic synthesis of the proposed HFSM models.

Considering that the use of formal state-based models that provide hierarchical and concurrent constructions is highly recommended for specifying complex control units, hierarchical graph-schemes (HGS) and parallel hierarchical graph-schemes (PHGS) are used and some considerations about their execution and correctness are presented. It is also explained how HGSs can be used to specify a control algorithm and how it is possible to verify automatically its correctness and to validate the intended functionality through simulation.

Using the first model of a HFSM with stack memory as a starting model, two new models that can provide flexibility, extensibility and reusability and a PHFSM model that combines hierarchy and pseudo-parallel execution of operations are proposed. Their functionality, flexibility, extensibility, synchronisation and internal realisation are fully explained.

To implement a control unit specified with a set of HGSs/PHGSs it is necessary to perform the first step of the sequential logic synthesis, taking in consideration the pretended target model. The manual synthesis methodology required to build the state transition table of a HFSM/PHFSM starting from a hierarchical specification based on HGSs/PHGSs is explained for a Moore, a Mealy and a mixed Moore/Mealy FSM. A tool that automatically performs this first step for the two HFSM models proposed is also presented.

In order to validate the proposed HFSM/PHFSM models and their synthesis, the models were described in VHDL for a LUT-based implementation and simulated using the Synopsys simulation tools.
