The 21st European Intensive Course, April 04-08, 2016, to be held at the University of Aveiro, will have a total of 12 hours of lecture time, at postgraduate level, introducing topics of high current interest. This year the Intensive Course will be centered around the following topics:
Harmonic Analysis and Inverse Problems
During the course there will be extended coffee breaks in a relaxed environment where lecturers and participants are encouraged to share ideas in a more informal way. Successfully participating students will get a certificate.
In parallel, we are pleased to announce the International Conference “Past and Future Directions in Hypercomplex and Harmonic Analysis - Celebrating Frank Sommen’s 60th birthday”, to be held on March 29-April 2, 2016.
LECTURERS - Tentative schedule, titles & abstracts
Lecture Room - Sala Sousa Pinto, 2º floor (room equipped with beamer and white board)