The 21st European Intensive Course, April 04-08, 2016, to be held at the University of Aveiro, will have a total of 12 hours of lecture time, at postgraduate level, introducing topics of high current interest. This year the Intensive Course will be centered around the following topics:

Harmonic Analysis and Inverse Problems

During the course there will be extended coffee breaks in a relaxed environment where lecturers and participants are encouraged to share ideas in a more informal way. Successfully participating students will get a certificate.

In parallel, we are pleased to announce the International Conference “Past and Future Directions in Hypercomplex and Harmonic Analysis - Celebrating Frank Sommen’s 60th birthday”, to be held on March 29-April 2, 2016.


LECTURERS - Tentative schedule, titles & abstracts

Lecture Room - Sala Sousa Pinto, 2º floor (room equipped with beamer and white board)


21st European Intensive

Course on Complex Analysis, its Generalizations and Applications


Uwe Kaehler                   
Paula Cerejeiras

Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro                   
Campus de Santiago
P-3810-193 Aveiro 

fax: +351-234370066                                    tel: +351-234370359                                  e-mails:

With the support of CIDMA, and the FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within project  UID/MAT/04106/2013.


Motivation: Although Fourier Analysis can look back on a history of almost 200 years now and is thus a mature field, the last decades have seen an enormous development of pratical and theoretical Fourier analysis, which so far has not found its way into the standard course, given to mathematicians or engineers. In fact, the way how Fourier Analysis, or on the applied side often ``Signal Analysis and Systems Theory'' is taught in engineering schools is using quite different methods, making it hard, to move between the theoretical side and the more practical side of the field. Given the fact that modern technology (mobile communication, data compression, digital imaging, medical or geophysical data processing) is making heavy use of different variants of Fourier analysis many of our students and colleagues are not aware of the new perspectives and teach the subject in a traditional way. 

Tentative draft of the course

Lassi Päivärinta, Department of Mathematics, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Title to be announced

Hans Feichtinger, NuHAG, Universität Wien, Austria 

A Modern Approach to Fourier Analysis: Foundations of Gabor Analysis