Organizers: Paula Cerejeiras, Irene Sabadini

IWOTA 2021

Special Session on Operators and Hypercomplex Analysis

Chapman University in Orange, CA, August 9-13, 2021

HypercomplexIanalysis is an emergent field dedicated to the extension of classical analysis to non-commutative structures while focusing on the study of functions belonging to the null-space of aIDirac operator. This session aims to invite experts to present their latest advances related to Operator theory in hypercomplex analysis, as well as its applications to physics, numerical analysis ofIPDEs, development of a spectral theory for quaternionIoperators.O 

Time zone converter (in case of doubt, use PDT zone (Pacific Daylight Time) as reference):

Confirmed Speakers

Swanhild Bernstein, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany - The Segal-Bargmann transform in Clifford analysis

Hendrik De Bie, Ghent University, Belgium - Solutions and representation theory of the Lévy-Leblond operator

Der-Chen Chang, Georgetown University, Washington DC, US - Hardy Spaces on a Family of Model Domains in ${\mathbf C}^{n+1}$

Kamal Diki, Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Poly slice monogenic functions, Cauchy formulas and the PS-functional calculus

Milton Ferreira, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal - Symbol calculus of pseudo-differential operators on the group Spin(4)

Ali Guzmán Adán, Ghent University, Belgium - On the connection between Fueter’s theorem and the generalized CK extension

David Kimsey, Newcastle University, UK - The spectral theorem for a normal operator on a Clifford module

Dmitrii Legatiuk, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany - Stochastic PDEs in Clifford analysis: Wick product approach and related results

Maria Elena Luna Elizarraras, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel - Singularities of bicomplex holomorphic functions

Antonino de Martino, Politecnico di Milano, Italy - On the polyanalytic short-time Fourier transform in the quaternionic setting

Teppo Mertens, Ghent University, Belgium - Inverting Radon-type transforms over the Lie sphere using Clifford analysis

Stefano Pinton, Politecnico di Milano, Italy - The fractional Powers of Quaternionic Vector Operator in Bounded and Unbounded Domains

Ivan Pombo, University of Aveiro, Portugal - Inverse Conductivity Problem a Quaternionic Approach

Tao Qian, Macau University of Science and Technology, P. R. China - Kernel Approximation in Hypercomplex Spaces

Tentative Schedule

Below you will find the sessions by speakers and chairs time zones. Please, check carefully since there might exist errors due to human nature.

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