Characteristics of stuttering-like disfluencies in Portuguese school age children

Valente, A. and L. Jesus (2011)

In Proceedings of the 9th Congress for People who Stutter (ISA) and 2nd Latin American Congress on Stuttering (AAT), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The present work aims to compare the characteristics of stuttering-like disfluencies (SLD) in a group of school age children who stutter (Group_S) with a group of normally fluent school age children (Group_F), during reading. An assessment tool has been developed incorporating the evaluation of the factors that characterise SLD: frequency and types of SLD, duration and physical tension of concomitant symptoms. The determination of the characteristics of SLD in Group_S and Group_F aims to define a minimal set of parameters that could help SLTs to diagnose stuttering.

Results showed that type (specifically for prolongations, blocks and broken-words), frequency and physical tension of SLD are parameters which differentiate children who stutter from matched normally fluent children. Duration and number of repeated units do not differentiate these two groups.

ValenteJesus2011.pdf - Paper (CutePDF (Ghostscript 8.71) file)

ValenteJesus2011pptx.pdf - Oral presentation (PDFCreator 1.2.1 (Ghostscript 9.02) file)

Last updated 13/6/2011
Luís Miguel Teixeira de Jesus

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