Aerodynamic Measures of Speech in Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis (UVFP) Patients

Pinho, Jesus, and Barney (2013)

Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 38(1), 19-34

This paper reports the recording and analysis of an aerodynamic database of 51 words produced by four patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis. The vowel-fricative-vowel boundaries were manually annotated, and the mean absolute oral airfl ow amplitude (OA), fundamental frequency (f0), and fi rst formant intensity (IF1) were extracted from a 20 ms window in the steady state of each phone. A case study approach to analysis of phonatory behaviour for the subjects is presented. Signifi cant differences were found between the absolute OA and IF1 for different phones. Large between-subject variations in absolute measures for OA and f0 were found. Relative values calculated from the difference in these parameters between phones show consistency for subjects of the same gender.

Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 38(1)

Last updated 15/3/2013
Luís Miguel Teixeira de Jesus

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