Frication and voicing classification

Jesus and Jackson (2008)

In A. Teixeira, V. Lima, L. Oliveira, and P. Quaresma (Eds.), Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language , pp. 11-20. Berlin: Springer -Verlag.

Phonetic detail of voiced and unvoiced fricatives was examined using speech analysis tools. Outputs of eight f0 trackers were combined to give reliable voicing and f0 values. Log-energy and Mel-frequency cepstral features were used to train a Gaussian classifier that objectively labeled speech frames for frication. Duration statistics were derived from the voicing and frication labels for distinguishing between unvoiced and voiced fricatives in British English and European Portuguese.

PROPOR2008oral2.pdf - Oral presentation (CutePDF (Ghostscript 8.60) file)

PROPOR2008oral2notes.pdf - Oral presentation notes (CutePDF (Ghostscript 8.60) file)

Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Last updated 9/9/2009
Luís Miguel Teixeira de Jesus

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