Crossing Boundaries: Establishing interdisciplinary and international research collaborations in life sciences

Jesus, L. (2010)

International Distinguished Lecture Series, School of Health Sciences, University of Southampton, UK, 21st June 2010.

Potential for research collaborations between the University of Aveiro and the University of Southampton will be explored. A Santander grant (2010/2011) currently facilitates collaborations between the two institutions. The universities currently share at least 4 research grants, are co-supervising at least 3 research students and hold Erasmus agreements for Physiotherapy and Nursing for teaching and student exchanges. Information about gaining international research or teaching collaborations will be discussed.

proof2_36746_DistinguishedLecture_Jesus_A4.pdf - Poster (Acrobat 9.3.3 Pro file)

England2010_6_21v4.pdf - Oral presentation (Acrobat 9.3.3 Pro file)

Last updated 31/1/2013
Luís Miguel Teixeira de Jesus

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