Evgeny Lakshtanov Primary School Textbook
Children Education

Admissible symplifications of mathematical models

That is my philosophy of children mathematical education.

This philosophy is presented in my article where several examples are given. Present moment I am preparing a book with many other examples, i.e. with symplifications of serious math. models I have tried multiple times during my classes with primary school pupils.
Mathematicians, like physicists, are pushed by a strong fascination. Research in mathematics is hard, it is intellectually painful even if it is rewarding, and you wouldnt do it without some strong urge. [D. Ruelle]. We shall give some examples from our experience, when we were able to simplify some serious mathematical models to make them understandable by children, preserving both aesthetic and in- tellectual value. The latter is in particularly measured by whether a given simplification allows setting a sufficient list of problems feasible for school students.
Nowadays, it is thought of importance to introduce current scientific achievements to children by telling them of the black holes or demonstrating some impressive chemical experiments. Can this approach however satisfy us? A. Zvonkin in his acclaimed work [J.Math. Behaviour, 1992] on early child development translates Poincares theory on the role of subconscious into a practical recommendation: questions are more important than answers. He depicted an experiment that targeted to find out whether it is using attractive materials that engaged children in his lessons or the lessons per se. Then I say, All right, I have to finish the lesson, but you may play with mosaic. My words are met with an unanimous yell of indignation, No-o, we want a problem!. Thats how I understood what the truth was. Children need intellectual/aesthetical pleasure of full value. If one of the halves is absent, the full value is lost, together with the festive feeling. Thus, if you agree with Poincares theory on the role of subconscious work [Science and Method, 1908], you would agree that preparing a model accompanied by a questionnaire for children will further help them to do research on a higher qualitative level.
mathematical scientific community needs for a significant volume of the internally generated educational product for pre-college students. Really, studies that are set up for pupils by an active researcher, as a rule, contribute to development of skills essential for successful research activities. Unfortunately, this aspect is excluded from school curriculum scope. Systematical work in this direction is only possible in case when an actively working mathematician has a part of his working time (say 30 percents) solely dedicated to this research.
Many of us introduce our own children to this research, and usually we chose a transphenomenal Socrates’ dialog’s style. It is of obvious importance both to identify the kernel of these studies discussed and to diversify them so they could be more easily employed by the colleagues when working with students. Here we present our results describing an attempt to create a way to introduce our 7-9 years old pupils to several nontrivial mathematical models. Briefly, we have started with the models that originally could not cause a sustained interest of the child. After a period of time and series of experiments with pupils we were able to fix a simplified model equipped with a list of questions and exercises.
The most valuable exercises are those to allow nontrivial routine multiple repetitions. It is very important for children to gain positive experience of routine exercises. It would allow them to believe/realize that multiple routine exercises in school is a necessary and natural step to the meaningful beauty as in case of a painter’s pupil who is ready to grind colours for hours and hours because he is fascinated by the art. Since generation of the quality routine exercises is extremely important per se, we formulate a non-formal law:
A problem is solvable by a child if and only if his interest exceeds the amount of effort.
The exercise can be considered successful even in case when pupils are not able to find a solution themselves. Children develop when confronted with material that has already been able to understand, but not yet to reproduce. Some of my pupils were able to solve all exercises concerning Cellular automata, however just an execution of programs for Turing machine is done on a peak of their efforts.
Lakshtanov main page a set of loci (ellipses in the special metric on the lattice, green squares are focuses) constructed by my 7-year-old daughter.
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