Curriculum Vitae

Evgeny Lakshtanov


Name: Evgeny Lakshtanov (23/09/1979)

Citizenship: Portuguese.

Address: Prior M.A.Fernandes 28, 2Dto

Aveiro, 3800-816, Portugal

Telephone: +351 936 608 068




Synopsis: I was born in Khmelnitsky, USSR in 1979. After completing the Phys. Math. class in Chernogolvka in 1996 I studied Mathematics at Moscow State University. In 2004 I finished my PhD (Kand. Nauk.) under supervision of Robert Minlos. My thesis concerns applications of Functional Analysis and Catastrophe Theory in statistical physics, in particular in the description of properties of Gibbs fields. After defense of my thesis I took a decision to study a new area from the beginning enlarging my scientific background and accept the invitation of Alexander Plakhov to work on quantum analogue of Newton's minimal resistance problems. This led me to University of Aveiro where I was studying direct scattering problems and derivation of mathematical models of propagation of sound. Since 2009 I have a synergistic collaboration with Boris Vainberg. In 2011 Andreas Kirsch asked me to study the theory of Interior Transmission Eigenvalues and it marks the moment I turned from direct scattering problems to inverse scattering problems. I was fortunate to collaborate with Roman Novikov, Armin Lechleiter, Brian Sleeman, and others. Since 2013 I hold a position of Principal Researcher at University of Aveiro.



Specialist Degree in mathematics, Moscow State University, 2001

PhD, Moscow State University, Dec/2004

Advisor: Robert Minlos


Work experience:

2013/ 2018 Principal Investigator,  FCT-Investigador, University of Aveiro, Portugal

2005/ 2013 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Aveiro, Portugal

2004 / 2005 Teacher of mathematics, High School no. 75, Chernogolovka, Russia.


The authors right/trademark of the paper-and-pencil game: “Paper Minesweeper” has been registered in Portugal, the national registration number is 1319/2009. The game is based on the uniqueness theorem from [15]. file:///C:/Users/lakshtanov/Downloads/miolo_research_H4.pdf





Best 5:

39. E. Lakshtanov, J. Tejero, B. Vainberg, Uniqueness in the Inverse Conductivity Problem for Complex-Valued Lipschitz Conductivities in the Plane, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 49, 2017, 3766-3775.

34. E. Lakshtanov, R. Novikov, B.Vainberg, A global Riemann-Hilbert problem for two-dimensional inverse scattering at fixed energy, Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste, 48, 1-27. Special issue in honor of G. Alessandrini's 60th birthday, 2016.

27. E. Lakshtanov, B. Vainberg, Bounds on positive interior transmission eigenvalues, Inverse Problems (Designated by IP as a Featured article) 28 (2012) 105005.

20. E. Lakshtanov, V. Roshchina, Finiteness in the Card Game of War, American Math. Monthly, 119:4, pp/318-323, 2012. (In the list of Notable Texts: The Best Writing on Mathematics 2013. Princeton University Press).

23. F. Hausser, E. Lakshtanov, Isotope uptake dynamics in the Ostwald ripening model of recrystallization. Phys. Rev. E 86, 062601 (2012).



Chapters in books:

42.  E.Kudryavtseva, E.Lakshtanov, ”Classification of Singularities and Bifurcations of Critical Points of Even Functions”, In book: A.V.Bolsinov, A.T.Fomenko, A.A.Oshemkov (ed.), Topological Methods in the Theory of Integrable Systems,  Cambridge Scientific Publishers, pp. 173-214, 2006.


Articles in refereed journals.

41. Egorov, Y., Komech, A., Kuchment, P., Lakshtanov, E., Mazya, V., Molchanov, S., Novikov R., Freidlin, M. (2018). Boris R. Vainberg (on his 80th birthday), To appear in Russian Math. Surv., arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.11428.

40. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, Global solution of the initial value problem for the focusing Davey-Stewartson II system, arXiv:1803.00955 [math-ph]

39. E.Lakshtanov, J. Tejero, B.Vainberg, Uniqueness in the Inverse Conductivity Problem for Complex-Valued Lipschitz Conductivities in the Plane, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 49, 2017, 3766-3775.

38. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, Solution of the initial value problem for the focusing Davey-Stewartson II system. arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.01182, (2016).

37. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, Recovery of Lp-potential in the plane, J. Ill-posed and inverse problems, 25(5), 2017, 633-652.

36. E.Lakshtanov, A.Lechleiter,  Difference Factorizations and Monotonicity in Inverse Medium Scattering for Contrasts with Fixed Sign on the Boundary. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 48(6), (2016), 3688-3707.

35. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, On reconstruction of complex-valued once differentiable conductivities, J. Spectr. Theory 6, 4, (2016), 881-902, Special issue in memory of Yuri Safarov.

34. E.Lakshtanov, R.Novikov, B.Vainberg, A global Riemann-Hilbert problem for two-dimensional inverse scattering at fixed energy, Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste, 48, 1-27. Special issue in honor of G. Alessandrini's 60th birthday, 2016

33. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, Uniqueness in potential scattering with reduced near field data, Comm. Partial Diff. Equations, 42(6), 2017, 943-949.

32. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, Recovery of interior eigenvalues from reduced near field data, Applicable Analysis, 96(15), 2017, 2545-2552.

31. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, Exceptional points in Faddeev scattering problem, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2017, 190:1, 77–90

30. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, Sharp Weyl Law for Signed Counting Function of Positive Interior Transmission Eigenvalues, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2015, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 3212-3234

29. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, Weyl type bound on positive Interior Transmission Eigenvalues, Comm. Partial Diff. Equations, 39, N 9, (2014), pp.1729-1740.

28. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, Applications of elliptic operator theory to the isotropic interior transmission eigenvalue problem, Inverse Problems Special issue: Transmission eigenvalues, 29 104003, 2013

27. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg, Bounds on positive interior transmission eigenvalues, Inverse Problems (Designated by IP as a Featured article) 28 (2012) 105005

26. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg,  Remarks on interior transmission eigenvalues, Weyl formula and branching billiards, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 125202 (10pp)

25. A.Aleksenko, E.Lakshtanov, Finiteness of the playing time in 'Beggar-my-neighbour' card game, Information Transmission Problems, vol.49, (2), pp. 89-93, 2013.

24. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg,  Ellipticity in the interior transmission problem in anisotropic media, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 44, pp.1165-1174, 2012.

23. F.Hausser, E.Lakshtanov, Isotope uptake dynamics in the Ostwald ripening model of recrystallization. Phys. Rev. E 86, 062601 (2012)

22. E.Lakshtanov, B.Vainberg,  A priori estimates for high frequency scattering by obstacles of arbitrary shape, Comm. Part. Diff. Eq. 37, pp.1789-1804, 2012.

21. E.Lakshtanov, B.Sleeman, B.Vainberg,  High frequency scattering with impedance b.c. on classically invisible body, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 72, pp. 646-669, 2012.

20. E.Lakshtanov, V.Roshchina, Finiteness in the Card Game of War, American Math. Monthly, 119:4, pp/318-323, 2012. (In the list of Notable Texts: The Best Writing on Mathematics 2013. Princeton University Press)

19.  E.Lakshtanov, Examples of Admissible Simplification of Mathematical Theories,  Kybernetes, Vol. 40 Iss: 9/10, pp.1523 – 1529, 2011.

18. B.Sleeman, E.Lakshtanov, Acoustically invisible gateways, Inverse Problems and Imaging, vol. 5, no. 1; pp.203-217 , 2011.

17.  O.German, E.Lakshtanov, "Minesweeper" and spectrum of discrete Laplacians, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 89, No. 12, December 2010, 1907–1916.

16. E. Lakshtanov,  Boris Vainberg, Resonance regimes of scattering by small bodies with impedance boundary condition,  J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010) 415205 (16pp)

15. O.German, E.Lakshtanov, Application of harmonic analysis for creating of pen-and-pencil games.  Math. Notes, vol. 88, 5-6, 2010.

14. E.Lakshtanov, Spectral properties of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator for exterior Helmholtz problem and its applications to scattering theory, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 125204, 2010.

13. P.Cruz, E.Lakshtanov, Explicit representation of Green function for 3Dimensional exterior Helmholtz equation, J. Theor. Math. Phys, 157:2, 163–174, 2008.

12.  A.Aleksenko, J.Cruz, E.Lakshtanov, High frequency limit of the transport cross section in scattering by an obstacle with impedance boundary conditions,  J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 41(1), 255203 (5pp), 2008.

11. E.Lakshtanov, R.Minlos. The Spectrum of Two-Particle Bound States for the Transfer Matrices of Gibbs Fields (Adjacent Levels in Multidimensional Fields), Transactions of Mosc. Math. Soc, 2008, 255-288.

10. O.German, E.Lakshtanov,  On a multidimensional generalization of Lagrange's theorem on continued fractions,   Izv. Math. vol.72:1, pp.47-61, 2008.

9. E. Lakshtanov, “Short-wave limit of the scattering amplitude in an inhomogeneous medium”,    Russ. Mat. Surv. 2007, 62:4.

8. W. de Roeck, E.Lakshtanov, "Total cross section exceeds transport cross section for quantum scattering from hard bodies at low and high wave numbers", J. Math. Phys. 48, 013501 (2007)

7. A.Aleksenko, W. de Roeck, E.Lakshtanov, Note on the transport cross section, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen, 39(1), pp.4251-4255, 2006.

6. E.Lakshtanov, S.Pirogov, A.Aleksenko, One- and two- particle bound states in the Landau quantum liquid model, Lett. Math. Phys. 77(1), pp.83-98, 2006.

5. E.Lakshtanov, E.Langvagen, Entropy of multidimensional cellular automata,   Information Transmission Problems, vol.42, (1), 2006.

4. E.Lakshtanov, R.Minlos, The Spectrum of Two-Particle Bound States for the Transfer Matrices of Gibbs Fields (Adjacent Levels in Two Dimensional Fields),     Functional Analysis and Its Applications,  2005, 39:1, 31–45

3. E. Lakshtanov, E. Langvagen, Criterion of infinite topological entropy for multidimensional cellular automata, Information Transmission Problems, vol.40, (2), pp. 70-72, 2004.

2. E. Lakshtanov, R. Minlos, The Spectrum of Two-Particle Bound States f  or the Transfer Matrices of Gibbs Fields (an Isolated Bound State), Functional Analysis and Its Applications, 2004, 38:3, 202-216.

1. E. Lakshtanov, Leading branches of the transfer-matrix spectrum for common lattice spin systems with nearest-neighbours interaction, Mosc.Math.Bull., (6), p.3–7, 2004.


Articles in national journals:

E.Lakshtanov, L.Costa, Sobre o papel dos Departamentos de Matematica na vida e desenvolvimento da comunidade, arXiv:0806.3280v1 [math.HO]   (In Portuguese).  The role of Mathematics departments in life and the development of community.  APM (Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Portugal.) Educação e Matemática ,103, pp. 32-34, 2009



Seminar  Talks:   

Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Moscow, Aug.2016

Probability theory seminar of the mathematics department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Oct.2015

International Seminar «Quasilinear equations and inverse problems>> Moscow, 2014-08-06. (prof. R.Novikov)

Chebyshev Laboratory (St.Petersburg State University), 2014-07-01.

Helsinki University, Feb. 2014 (Prof. L.Paivarinta)               

University of Delaware, April 2014 (Profs. F.Cakoni, D.Colton)

University of Helsinki, Oct. 2012 (prof. Lassi Paivarinta)
University of Oulu, Finland Oct. 2012 (prof. V.Serov)
University College London, 30 Jan. 2012 (prof. Ya.Kurylev)

Moscow Acoustic Institute, 24 Nov. 2011 ( prof. M.Mironov)

St.Petersburg Dept  of V.A.Steklov    Institute   of   Mathematics, 25 Aug. 2011 (prof.A.Kiselev)

Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (KIT), 7 June 2011, ( prof. A. Kirsch)

Nano-Science Center, University of Copenhagen, 4 April 2011, (Invitation by prof. Susan Stipp)

Centrum för teknikstudier, Malmo, 17 nov, 2010 (Invitation by prof.  Alexei Iantchenko)

Univ. of Delaware, Delaware, 23 oct, 2009 (Invitation by prof. David Colton)

Univ. of North. Caroline, Charlotte, 21 oct, 2009 (Invitation by prof. BorisVainberg)

Northeastern University, Boston, 16 Oct, 2009 (Inviatation by prof. M.Shubin).

Moscow Acoustics institute, Moscow, Aug. 2009

Ludwig-Maximillians-Universitat, Munique, Dec, 2008 (Invitation by prof.Laszlo    Erdoes).

Acoustics research institute, Vienna, 8 Nov, 2008.

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Univ. of Helsinki, 7 Aug. 2008  

Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Zurich, 27 May 2008.

Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow, 8 Jan. 2008

Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Seminar, ITS, Lisboa, 24 Jule 2007.

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow, 8 sept. 2006.

MSU Moscow, 25 aug. 2006.

CEOC seminar, Aveiro University, 28 Feb. 2006.

Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow, 15 Sep. 2005

MSU,Moscow, 26 Jule, 2005.

RUB Bochum (Germany), 10 June, 2005 (Seminar of W.Kirsch). 

CEOC seminar, Aveiro University, 18 March. 2005.

CU Leuven (Belgium), 29 Jan. 2005. (Invitation by C.Maes)

MSU Moscow, May, 2004




Conference Talks:

1. XXIII Workshop on geometric methods in physics quantum and classical systems,   27 June - 3 Jule  2004, Bialowieza, Poland

2. Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Seminar, ITS, Lisboa, 24 Jule 2007.

3. 8th international conference, computational and mathematical methods in science and engineering, June 13-16, 2008, La Manga del Mar Menor, Murcia, Spain.

4. The 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation, June 2009, Pau, France.

5. XVI International Congress on Mathematical Physics: August 3-8, 2009; Prague, Czech Republic (Poster)

6. MMNS Workshop on Inverse Problems for Waves: Methods and Applications, March 29 - March 30, 2010, Ecole Polytechnique , Palaiseau, France (Poster)

7. Days on Diffraction, June 8-11, 2010 ,St. Petersburg, Russia.

8. The 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation, June 2013, Tunisia.

9.Workshop on Inverse Problems in Wave Propagation, Bremen, Germany, April 2015

10. Spectral and Analytic Inverse Problems, Institut Henri Poincare, May 2015

11. Quasilinear equations, inverse problems and their applications, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 2016




Nonlinear Analysis, Mestrado em Matematica, University of Aveiro, (Second semester 2013/2014).

Calculus II, various courses in engineering,  University of Aveiro, 3 semesters. (Second semester of 2010/2011, 2011/2012, 2012/2013)

Calculus I, various courses in engineering, University of Aveiro, 1 semester.  (First semester of 2011/2012)

Dr. Evgeny Lakshtanov is a CCPFC (Teachers Continuous Professional Development) with registration number CCPFC/RFO-24190/08.

  As a trainer, he was responsible for the Training Courses

1."Solving Problems for the third cycle of Elementary and Secondary Education", registration number CCPFC/ACC-63630/10 (a total of 50 hours and 2 units of credit).

2. “Basic Mathematics from another point of view”, registration number CCPFC/ACC-66909/11 (a total of 25 hours and 1 units of credit).



Personal Grants:

2005-2008 Post-doc grant of national Portuguese science foundation FCT,

2008-2013 Post-doc grant of national Portuguese science foundation FCT.

2013-2018 FCT Development grant IF/01219/2012


Participation in research projects:

Participation in projects:  PTDC-MAT-72840-2006, Optimização da Resistência Newtoniana para Corpos não convexos, 2007 – 2010

                                              PTDC/MAT/113470/2009. Dispersão de bilhares e aplicações na aerodinâmica de meios rarefeitos, 2011-2013


Leading in team grants preparation:

ERC EJD 2018: Modern methods of Harmonic Analysis in Inverse Problems, Requested 2138000 euros, Evaluation 68.7 with the Threshold 70

Portuguese National grant in frames of Horizont2020: Call 2017. Requested  235000 euros. Evaluation 4.01 with the Threshold 4.06


Organization of conferences: Around scattering by obstacles and billiards, Aveiro, 2012.


Organization of math. schools for pupils: Responsible for organization of the summer mathematical school for russian speaking children in Aveiro, 2015,2016,2017.


















Dr. Evgeny Lakshtanov is a CCPFC (Teachers Continuous Professional Development) with registration number CCPFC/RFO-24190/08.

  As a trainer, he was responsible for the Training Courses

1."Solving Problems for the third cycle of Elementary and Secondary Education", registration number CCPFC/ACC-63630/10 (a total of 50 hours and 2 units of credit).

2. “Basic Mathematics from another point of view”, registration number CCPFC/ACC-66909/11 (a total of 25 hours and 1 units of credit).