Text Box:



Research project



Publications proceedings

Prizes and awards

Research interests 

Scientific activities

Knowledge Transfer  

Text Box: Supervison

Links of Interest


Expectations on supervisors (by Wisker et al.2008):

(1) present the critique in a constructive way, (2) provide good knowledge of the research area; either personally, or by referring to an expert to access this knowledge, (3) make sure to ask open questions, (4) put the student in touch with information, and (5) encourage the students to enter the academic community by helping them attend appropriate conferences and introducing them to other researchers in their field,  however (7) the student should not expect that the supervisor would do the work for him.


In Fadi Abdallah1 et al (2010) Supervision of a Master’s Thesis: Analysis and Guidelines; LTHs 6:e Pedagogiska Inspirationskonferens







n Amândio Mavela “Abordagem Principal-Agente no Contexto da Administração de Investimentos para os Serviços Desconcentrados em Angola” (Principal-Agent Approach in the Context of Investment Management for the Decentralized Services in Angola). PhD in Public Policy, University of Aveiro. (in progress)

n Nuno Miguel Ferreira de Almeida: “Política de remuneração de peritos forenses: desempenho do serviço prestado ao cidadão” (Remuneration policy for forensic experts: performance of the service provided to the citizen). PhD in Public Policy, University of Aveiro. (in progress)

n Luís Castro: “Avaliação de mais valias em processos de transformação urbana” (Valuation of surplus values in urban transformation processes). PhD in Public Policy, University of Aveiro. (in progress)

n Jan-Hendrik Wolf : “A resposta dos serviços públicos ao desafio demográfico” (The response of public services to the demographic challenge). PhD in Public Policy, University of Aveiro. Co-supervision with Eduardo Anselmo Castro. (in progress)



n Paulo Agostinho Rodrigues: “Análise dos padrões de mobilidade”. (Analysis of mobility patterns in Portugal). Master in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Aveiro (2017)

n Susana  Costa Santos: “Cartas Educativas – a construção de um quadro de referência(Educational plans - building a referential framework). Master in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Aveiro (2017).

n Rui Cavaco Barbosa: “Impacto das portagens na mobilidade rodoviária(Impact of tolls on road mobility). Master in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Aveiro. Co-supervision with Eduardo Anselmo Castro (2017).

n Helena Dias; “Reinventar a cidade : das experiências de turismo memoráveis à gestão local”, (Reinventing the city: from memorable tourism experiences to local management)). Master in Manegement. Co-supervision with Szczygiel, Nina Katarzyna (2017)

n Inês Castro Sá: “Padrões territoriais das dificuldades manifestadas pela população com 65 ou mais anos(Territorial patterns of the difficulties manifested by the population aged 65 and over). Master in Gerontology, University of Aveiro. Co-supervision with Maria Cristina Gomes (2015)

n Luís Carta: “Sistema de Apoio à Decisão: Análise Espacial Aplicada ao Mercado da Habitação(Decision support system: spatial analysis applied to housing market). Master in Information Systems, University of Aveiro. Co-supervision with José Moreira. (2014)

n Jan-Hendrik Wolf com o tema: “Desafios Demográficos no Interior do País”. (Demographic Challenges in Country Interior of Portugal). Master in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Aveiro. Co-supervision with Eduardo Anselmo Castro. (2014)

n Miguel Lopes Batista Viegas: “RPPI construction: an empirical exercise on Aveiro-Ílhavo urban area”. Master in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Aveiro. (2014)

n Monique Lopes Pereira Borges: “Análise Prospetiva. O caso do Mercado da Habitação”, (Foresight Analysis. The case of the Housing Market). Master in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Aveiro. Co-supervision with Eduardo Anselmo Castro. (2012)

n Paulo Ricardo Batista: “O data mining na identificação de aspectos valorativos da habitação”. (Data mining in the identification of housing attributes preferences). Master in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Aveiro. Co-supervision with Gladys Castillo. (2010)

n Ana Teresa Martins Catalão: “Estudo do Mercado Imobiliário de Aveiro”. (Study of the Real Estate Market of Aveiro). Master in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Aveiro. Co-supervision with Eduardo Anselmo Castro. (2010)



Resultado de imagem para universidade de aveiro

University of Aveiro

- Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences

João José

Lourenço Marques


Assistant Professor




Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences


University of Aveiro

3810-211 Aveiro


Tel.: 234 370 224

Ext. 24328

Skype: joaolm1


Email: jjmarques@ua.pt





Scopus Author ID:




Resultado de imagem para researchgateResultado de imagem para academia edu

Copyright © JLM

How to write a thesis?

Eco, Umberto - How to Write a Thesis (MIT, 2015)

Where to find references?

Library of the University of Aveiro

B-on—biblioteca do conhecimento online

How to Avoid Plagiarism?

Harvard Guide to Using Sources