Welcome to Lingu@.net


You'll find at Lingu@.net some words on my professional activity, my linguistics research, and many online teachning resources on French culture and language, mainly intended to French course students of my University.
I teach French and Linguistics at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) . Here are some simple links on Portugal.
My teaching activity implies some lectures in the French Studies Area (Linguistique française, Langue et Culture II, Phonétique et Phonologie and Grammaire et Enseignement du FLE) and Linguistics Area. Main resources can be consulted here.

Generative syntax research project, on the Romance adjective syntax area. My 2007 doctoral thesis aims at the description of the internal structure of the adjectival extended projection (AP) in Portuguese. My former research in the Noun ellipsis area was finished back in 1998. Some conclusions, full texts and main topics can be consulted here (in Portuguese).

Most part of the course documents I use can be acessed at the CEMED, namely programs, reference texts, assessment tests, course notes, and other docs.  
You'll also find here at Lingu@.net a librairy of French literary texts, some of which in historical orthography. These texts were chosen mainly because they belong to Culture or Literature programs. To keep a copy, just open the required text and then save it.
Mac. Who needs it? In a world of globality, uniformity and standardisation, why not THINK DIFFERENT, and eat the rainbow apple?
Humour. Curiosities.

Page design and programming: Fernando Martinho,
Aveiro, 2009
Contacts: fmart@mail.ua.pt
Last update: June, 2009


Last modified: 18-02-2001