

Project Coordination

  1. “Liquid Green, Synthetic Fuels from electrochemical biogas conversion, 10.54499/2022.09319.PTDC, 2023-2026

  2. “Electrochemical production of green chemicals from biogas, COMPETE2020, Proof of Concept, Bondalti, TEMA-UA, CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-181241, 2022-2023

  3. “Hybrid-CO2Fuel, Direct conversion of CO2 into synthetic fuels by hybrid eletrochemcial cells, PTDC/QUI-ELT/3681/2020, 2021-2023, PI Dr.D.Fagg.

  4. “ENOx -Valorization of N2O and NOx gases in oxidation reactions by electrochemical processes, POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039926, COMPETE2020, Sistema de Incentivos à I&D Empresarial, Bondalti, TEMA-UA, FEUP, 2020-2023, PI UA. Dr.D.Fagg.

  5. “Blue Energy (Osmotic energy), “Orçamento Participativo Jovem Portugal (OPJP)”, 2018 edition, Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, 2021–2023, PI Dr.D.Fagg.

  6. “Next G-eneration, A-nhydrous P-roton conductors working in the intermediate 300-600ºC temperature range (GAP);. FCT, Portugal PTDC/CTM-CTM/32241/2017, 2018-2021, PI Dr.D.Fagg.

  7. “Upgrading Biogas to high H/C ratio synthetic fuels”. FCT, Portugal PTDC/CTM-ENE/6319/2014, 2016-2019, PI Dr.D.Fagg.

  8. “Aminação direta do Benzeno”AAC 16/SI/2015, Sistema de Incentivos – I&DT Individual, PT2020, 2016-2017, PI, Aveiro. Dr.D.P.Fagg.

  9. “Fuels from Waste-Fuel Cells and Electrolysers for Clean Energy Cycles”. FCT, Portugal IF/01344/2014/CP1222/CT0001, 2015-2019, PI Dr.D.Fagg.

  10. “Extension of Electrochemically Active Sites in SOFC anodes-(E-a-s-i Anode)”. FCT, Portugal PTDC/CTM/105424/2008, 2010-2013, PI Dr.D.P.Fagg  

  11. “Production of pure hydrogen by reforming of biogas and electrochemical separation (HYDEL)”. FCT, Portugal PTDC/CTM/100412/2008, 2010-2013, PI Dr.D.P.Fagg

  12. “Development of novel materials for reversible electrolysers/fuel cells and for solid state hydrogen storage”. Martifer Energia - Equipamentos para Energia, 2008-2011, PI Dr.D.P.Fagg

  13. “Development of mixed electronic and proton conducting ceramics for application as hydrogen separation membranes”. FCT, Portugal PTDC/CTM/66243/2006, 2008-2010, PI Dr.D.P.Fagg

  14. “Optimisation of Cathode Performance in Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells”. i-link0743, programa i-Link+2013, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, International project, Argentina Spain, Portugal, Brazil, 2014-2015, National PI Dr.D.Fagg.

Collaborative Projects

  1. “Molten Alloy Electrochemical cells for the Recycling of plastic Waste#8221;. FCT, Portugal, EXPL/EMS-ENE/1497/2013, 2014-2015, PI Sergey Mikhalev

  2. “Desarrollo de Una Electrolizadora Cerámica de Conducción Protónica de Alta Temperatura para la Producción de Hidrógeno”. Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio, CSIC, Madrid (ICV), Centro Nacional del Hidrógeno, Puertollano (CNH), Universidad de Aveiro, Portugal (UA)