Project INROUTE - Inventory Routing, funded by FCT, project EXPL/MAT-NAN/1761/2013, from Feb. 2014 to Jan. 2015. (PI)

Project Routing problems under demand and travel time uncertainty, Portuguese-French project funded through Program Pessoa, from March 2014 to March 2016.
(Portuguese PI, Michael Poss was french PI). 

Project Adjustable robust optimization applied to network design problems, funded by EDF and FMJH, French (PI: Michael Poss)

Project Combinatorial Optimization: Applications, Models and Algorithms, a Portuguese-Brazilian project funded by FCT and CAPES, from March 2011 to Feb. 2013 (portuguese PI, Nelson Maculan was Brazilian PI)

Project OPT-SLC  Optimal Splice Location and Connections Project, funded by the company Yazaki, from March 2008 to December 2009 (PI: Domingos Cardoso). 

Project OPT-DDCC Optimization of Diversity and Distribution of Cable Configuration for Automobile Industry Project, funded by the company Yazaki, during 2005 (PI: Domingos Cardoso). (selected for the short list of 3 projects for the Innovation Award APDC/SIEMENS 2006 contest)

Project LISCOS Large scale Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation Software (research fellow during 2000)

Project GIST - Gestão Integrada de Sistemas de Transportes, from september 1992 to september 1993 (research fellow)